September 21, 2006

Booze hound? Yer woofin' me Kitties go to the library, Can't doggies go somewhere? Wine not!
  • A bit of a byte hog, but worth it. Check out Mog the Dog!
  • "The dogs of Australasian wineries" Australasian? Man, I need to get out more.
  • I tell 'ee, naming a dog Mog can only lead to fur-ther Confucians! Where/When/Who will the madness end?
  • My local library has a troupe of semi-ferral cats that hang around and get fed. Sometimes they wander in and glare at you as you try to select fresh reading matter. I loves them!
  • Guilty - own the winedogs book - had to after a tour of the Hunter Valley and meetings with the various canine inhabitants. Unfortunately the woofers who own me at the moment will never get to see the fruits of my dreams (unless that rotten grapes in water mush i concocted when I was about 10 counts - my father said it was alright tho hee hee) Cats and libraries make sense though, i mean, anybody who shares a home with a cat knows that they are so intent on educating themselves that they will obscure what you are reading to get to it first!
  • Super fly! You're gonna make it by and by!
  • .
  • ^ Shit, wrong thread.
  • One of my cats used to go beyond rolling on the book or magazine; she would chew on the edge of the page I was reading. She thought it was The Reader's Digest.
  • WEll done TUM. First laugh of the day.