September 25, 2005

The porn of war Prove you're a field deployed soldier, get access to porn. Now how to prove, how to prove......hey, that's easy! more inside
Alex Bernasconi's photography.

September 24, 2005

The thin line between sex and death. "Here is a list of the porn performers who have come before us and have since shuffled off this mortal coil. It's kinda sad, but we all gotta go sometime." [SFW]
Curious George: MetaFilter crappage. Whether it's a JRun error or "document contains no data", MetaFilter seems to be down 25% of the time I go there. I'm not a regular over there but I am curious about the technical side of this. more inside
Are you a Politician? Don't you understand the concept of astronomical time? That's OK. You can ban it.
Saturday Flash Fun Click and Drag for Ikea/Matrix action! Music.
Turducken; The Other White, Then Dark, Then White Meat. more inside
Curious, George: video games for non-gamers My mom has recently become interested in video games. Birthday coming up. Seek ideas, help from gaming Monkeys. Fun, low learning curve a plus. more inside
Allah Cones

September 23, 2005

Look at your walls! Animated wallpaper based on a classic William Morris design. Flash. via we make money not art. more inside
Lego You more inside
The Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association, Inc. (TEMA) is in fact a front for The Erotic Machinists' Association. Industrial smut inside. more inside
Anonymous George: Need a Sham Marriage I am an unskilled American living in Ireland. I am able to legally reside here because I was a student when I applied for permission to remain in the state. more inside
PhotogenicMasks have been created for anyone who desires to become a girl. Creepy, realistic masks. I can only imagine what people may want with these... Shamelessly stolen from...
Web-Developer's Handbook - A billion links. This am good. Via Bifurcated Rivets
Endtroducing The Shadow Percussion Project Take one slightly obsessive DJ Shadow fan. Mix well with one high school percussion group and allow to steep for several months. Serve with high bandwidth.
Inoue Daisuke missed an opportunity to make some money.
Beautiful Books: Illustrated The best-looking and most interesting website devoted to beautiful books and illustration I've seen this year. Points out the best in digitized illustration on the Web. Sample excerpt: From Harvard University's Open Collections Program comes Women Working, 1800-1930. It is a huge storehouse - 3,500 books, trade and consumer magazines, vocation pamphlets, photographs and lots more - all digitized in an annoying framed interface....But where else could one learn about the anarchist woman of yesteryear or how to raise chickens? I'd say it has the monkey stamp of quality. You should all take a peek kay.

September 22, 2005

Body Issues, Man-Style Wherein one man spends much money and time too look "better." via Towleroad. more inside
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