January 21, 2004

Plastic surgery preview? Construct your own faces. (Flash)
Smokey The Bear. Still Smokin' After All These Years....
Belly button lint explained. Now will some kind MeFite PLEASE post that link to answer this question so I can stop screaming the link at my monitor, hoping it will somehow make it through osmosis into Ask MeFi? Thanks and many bananas to you.

January 20, 2004

New Kids III: Electric Boogaloo As continued from here and here. more inside
Kerry Wins I think it's over for Dean. South Carolina will be the nail in his coffin. So Monkeys, where is this race going now?
How to Dance Properly.
What's Your (Party) Line? A scientific analysis of various wrong-thinking crypto-bourgeois ideologies. See, there's more to the MIM than its justifiably popular music and film reviews. I hope that this contributes some clarity to the politikkkal debate.
Star Wars Geeks are Cool...for Me to Poop On!

Everybody knows that Star Wars geeks and the internet go hand in hand like Dick Cheney and Evil, but the degree of complex minutiae these geeks get to dabbling in is downright awe inspiring.
Witness the personal websites of 4LOM, Zuckuss, Zam Wessell and even lowly desert stormtrooper Davin. Need more? You can always support the Admiral Ackbar for President campaign or try some tasty treats from the Jek Porkins Cookbook. more inside
God Bless America! Yahweh that is. Another 10 commandments monument is goin up! This one has a bill of rights on the other side too! Who's for putting up a Geneva Convention or Universal Declaration of Human Rights tablet? Nahhhhhhh.
You can continue reading this page right after these messages
Robert Smithson: Spiral Jetty
In 1970, artist Robert Smithson used mud, salt crystals and rocks to create Spiral Jetty, a 1,500 foot spiral sculpture in Utah's Great Salt Lake. Unfortunately, the water level was unusually low at the time of its creation, and the sculpture has been submerged for 30 years...until now. [via NPR's Talk of the Nation]
The ESP Game is oddly addictive. Registration required but just a username and password. Via MeFi.
"What's Cookin', Good Lookin'?" Vintage Appliance Porn. Image after luscious image of all the naked bakelite, sassy chrome and powder-enameled curves a chef can take.
Eating Beef .. brains Jeez, I'm glad I'm no longer a Midwesterner. Despite concerns about Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis, a.k.a. Mad Cow disease, people are still cheerfully eating beef including brains.

January 19, 2004

The Brick Testament. Bible stories told with Legos.
Singapore Goes Apesh*t Singaporeans urged to act like monkeys for the upcoming new year festivities. Could someone please tell them we've got 'em beat by about 3 months?
Winston Churchill's parrot is still alive, and still complaining about Nazis... in a Churchillian accent!
Amazing animation of the trip from Earth to Mars of the NASA explorer doowotsit. Includes "aww" factor as the explorer watches its first Martian sunset. via my homey Kottke
Extreme Segway. Some days I wanna thrash; some days I wanna shred. [via Gizmodo]
Can you haiku like I haiku?
Happy Monday Kids; Wake up, wake up. It is time To make the doughnuts. [more inside]
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