July 19, 2004

RateBeer.com , "widely recognized as the most accurate and most-visited source for beer information," has announced the "World's Worst Beers." Cheers!

July 16, 2004

Curious George: How long is your cat's tail? Why I'm asking: The tail on my sweetie's cat, Asta, is 7 inches long; my cat, Hotsy, has a 12-inch tail! Says here that average cat tails are from 10 to 15 inches. So is Asta's short, or Hotsy's long? A good excuse to measure your cat's tail!

July 15, 2004

Chivas Regal wants you! Do you dream of traveling the world? Do you have a sense of adventure? Do you have the skills to seek out amazing moments and journeys that help define a lifetime, whatever the heck that means? Most importantly, wanna earn $100,000?

July 14, 2004

Bubble Gear handbags, totes and backpacks all contain, um, fish. Living, swimming fishies. Fish as fashion accessories: Is this idea cool or cruel?

July 13, 2004

Psssst! Wanna buy a dinar? Everything you need to know to purchase the world's latest money. Such as: "The new currency will supercede all previous 'Saddam' Dinar, and as of January 15th, 'Saddam' Dinar is considered a collectors item." The current exchange rate is 770 dinar for every US$1; it was 33 cents to $1 before the war. A good investment? Buy 'em here.

July 12, 2004

Flossing Haiku! Brought to you by the National Flossing Council. Yes, you too can Help Spread Peace of Mouth with Smiley the NFC spokesperson!

July 09, 2004

I scream, you scream, we all scream for lasagna ice cream! No, wait, make that asparagus ice cream. Yes, now you can "change the way you eat ice cream forever," with your spaghetti ice cream maker!

July 08, 2004

Useful insults for your next dental staff meeting, courtesy of Dental Town, an online magazine for dentists featuring such valuable articles as, "I Just Got Two Cancellations! NOW WHAT?

July 07, 2004

Electronic fireflies. Really. Now you can buy teensy-weensy robotic light-up insects for your yard. Cool or creepy? And BTW, are monkeys around the world familiar with glowy lightning bugs, or are they a North American thingie?

July 06, 2004

Funky braille T-shirts that feel "kind of like rows of tiny nipples." Say naughty things while being groped! (Totally, delightfully SFW)
Curious George: Do you eat in a healthy way? I'm pondering a more nutritious diet and ran across a this interesting option: Healthy food prepared for pick up. Any monkeys ever try this?

July 02, 2004

Monkeys! How many of the World's Top 100 Wonders have you seen? (SideDish score: 23) Courtesy of Howard Hillman, an interesting chap who's been "impartially researching travel wonders for 30 years."

July 01, 2004

House of Jerky. Need I say more?

June 30, 2004

You only die once. It could happen at any time. When it happens to you, will you be ready? Contrary to what you might think, living wills and preparations for the end of life are not only for the elderly. Disaster can hit anyone at any age. The time to make your decisions and write your last words for the future is now -- while you still can. Click here to Subscribe Now!
"Glamorous Gussy"

June 29, 2004

Show and tell! I'm a volunteer with Pets-DC, a group that assists HIV/AIDS patients with free pet supplies and vet care. We just had our annual fund-raiser, the Pride of Pets Fun Dog Show. I just had to share the pics! They're hilarious! The show is a real hoot, with categories like "Best Tail Wagging," "Most Butch," "Least Obedient," stuff like that. Best in show was a weiner dog dressed up as ... a weiner! Heh. Enjoy!

June 28, 2004

A Sensitive Guy on the Road: Fifty Dates Across the States

June 25, 2004

Love Chess. A small Dutch software development studio has created a computer game of chess in which Greek and Trojan gods make love on the chessboard: "The game features beautiful 3D scenery and state-of-the-art realistic models where players are free to roam and watch the chess pieces make love from every angle they want." (Probably NSFW, in a computerized statues porn kinda way...)

June 24, 2004

The BeerClip! What is it? Well, of course, it's "a bottle opener and money clip all in one, discreetly holding your cash together until the next beer calls." Don't miss the Custom BeerClip featuring a squished souvenir penny. Heh.

June 23, 2004

Curious George! Has Google been hijacked recently? Anybody else having weird problems with search results? More inside.
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