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December 01, 2003

Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful?
China releases cyber dissident. Liu Di, aka the "stainless steel mouse," has been released just over a week ahead of a visit to the United States by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. She had been detained for more than a year for criticising the government. [Via /.] more inside
Santa blogs. more inside
Mr. Picassohead - I guess I'm not actually going to get any work done today. [flash]
Roman Glass Gaming Die Circa 2nd Century A.D.: "Modern scholarship has not yet established the game for which these dice were used."
Major Matt Mason turns 36.
How many forum members does it takes to change a light bulb?   1 to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has been changed 14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently 7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs 1 to move it to the Lighting section [via Many to Many]
Thank God for garbage strikes! Don't throw away your winning lottery ticket unless (a) you've checked it or (b) there's a giant garbage strike in your town.
Center for Online and Internet Addiction... Founded in 1995, we serve as the first training institute and recovery center to specialize in Internet addiction and related online mental health conditions.
Help for the helpless As someone new to this whole posting lark. I don't know how to do all of the fancy stuff when creating a front page post or comment within a post [More inside]
How to do History
Highlights from "Highlights". Goofus or Gallant?
On Second Thought, I'll Just Have Some Dry Toast. more inside
The Online Information Source for American Military Cooks and Bakers. Pan-seared marinated buffalo stuffed with vidalia onions, shitake mushrooms and black tiger prawns, that's what we eat in the Navy.
Grizzly Murder Ended Study. The cabin looked perfectly normal from the outside when he arrived by helicopter. And it was immaculately swept. But inside, he found the baby gall bladder in plain view on the wall. A landmark study by Canadian naturalists on Human-Grizzly interaction was cut short when the bears being studied were slaughtered. Read about the reasearch here.
In honor of World AIDS Day today, I encourage you to participate in Link and Think.
They're Here, They're Fat - So What? Fat. So? and FatGirl Speaks are but two of the many Fat Positive sites flourishing these days. In these glorious days of Low-Carb diet success, what's a former 'fattie' to do once he/she's no longer able to proclaim "Fat & Proud"?
Best.Breakfast.Ever. What's Yours?

November 30, 2003

Every Seinfeld episode The plots, the scripts, the streaming video! All of it ...
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