June 14, 2004

Could This Be The Most Ridiculous Thing I've Ever Posted? Just hitting this could be a colossal waste of your time. It could be completely unredeeming. Futile. Later, flames of rage could engulf you, causing you unmanagably risky behavior. The whole world would be like that movie with all those zombies at Marks & Sparks. I use the slangy form to show you I'm with it, but all it does is forever taints me as an ass who pretends to shop in london. And if I really wanted to pass myself off as an English Person, I'd have said "film", not "movie". And I would have mentioned Daleks, or started humming a Sting song, or said "Merseybeat" or "Gear" like the Beatles did. I bought a Clash record once. I've eaten curry. I could be English. So Feck Off, Chum-- I'm English. more inside
Black People Love Us! Is it a joke? What kind of joke? Should we be offended or endlessly amused? The letters page certainly doesn't clear things up.
Herb Walker's Archive of Books I stumbled over these archived books while looking for information on herbs -- some titles are available elsewhere online, but others seem to be unique to this site. Anyway, here's Herb Walker's Full-text Archives and an unpredictable and eclectic collection it is, with over 220 titles. Happy exploring.
So, you've got a News Satire site, and you want to get some attention. What do you do? What do you do? Attack the Onion, of course. please beleive me that I have no vested interest in promoting this site. Honest. Really!
Jurannessic. "At a time when there were no film makers, no technicians, no cameras and even no lights, a caveman created the first porno." [Flash, possibly NSFW.]
CIA Torture Book Curious about those super cool torture techniques that the CIA used in Vietnam. Learn more from this Washington Post article. Believe it or not, the methods are very similiar to what were used on Iraqi prisoners. (via Talk Left)
Monkey Fishing!!
Calendar Girls is an outrage! more inside

June 13, 2004

The Joy of Pigs. An old PBS Nature featured program. Also, everything you need to know to raise pigs.
50 Most Loathsome New Yorkers Fifty brief studies in snark from the New York Press. more inside
From the front page of the LA Times
Meteorite crashed into NZ family's house.
I had a smokin' good time at the Museum of Burnt Food!
[More Inside]
Monkeying about with mail more inside
Anticon Lyrics. more inside
Cloak of Invisibility
One saved Harry Potter from many tight scrapes, and in the film Die Another Day the technology provided James Bond with the ultimate escape vehicle, an invisible car.
Pictures from the inventor's homepage. This hasn't been picked up by Slashdot yet.
Twang the Monkey.
Pro Tossers. Professional Tossing League. [Via some guy's bumper sticker]
Cowcatcher. Invented by Charles Babbage in 1838, the cowcatcher has prevented many derailments and has even helped recovering alcoholics. Although it has been known to catch the occasional guitarist.
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