June 14, 2004

Calendar Girls is an outrage!

I was going to pick up Calendar Girls on dvd so I thought I'd find a review. I decided to share what I found. On the one hand, this guy is right that Hollywood doesn't do women any favors, generally. On the other hand, he's not all there, is he?

  • First link, first link! Be kind. Well, to me, not to Henry, the Ph.D.
  • This is fucking magnificent. My previous favourite review was this one of George Clooney's Solaris remake (which I previously linked here - I like recycling comments). But this is genius.
  • I love how this guy refers to feminists as both satanists and communists. Can someone please remind the author that Joe McCarthy has been out of office for quite a few decades now. That and make him watch the movie "Pleasantville" a few times.
  • Also, Calendar Girls has very little to do with Hollywood.
  • A women's sexual window of opportunity corresponds with her peak years of fertility. In contrast, male sex appeal is based on power. Men become more attractive as they get older and more secure. I always like this fairly nonsensical argument.
  • egads.
  • For example, a girlfriend once said she found me "repulsive." She was testing me. Rather than dump her, I overlooked this outburst hoping to win her with my love. She tried very hard but she couldn't love me under those circumstances. A woman cannot love a man she cannot respect. She cannot respect a man who does not respect himself. Paradoxically the way to win a woman's love is to not take any crap. Ahhh. Now that that's settled, no more of this.
  • The Illuminati run Hollywood. They mess with our psyches by pretending the unnatural is perfectly normal. Damn, those pesky Illuminati! They ruin everything.
  • I read the URL as "shavethemales". Hah. This is comedy gold!! The front page has the New World Order, Masonic conspiracies, feminist and gay agendas, and Lyndon LaRouche!! AND letters from people wackier than he is! There goes the rest of my day...
  • Mefi discussed Makow some time ago, and it's worth a glance.
  • Weird-o! (i'm still laughing!)
  • Ok, I know it's not a double-post because Mefi doesn't count but I still feel so dirty for not searching there.
  • I always enjoy reading the first few paragraphs of Makow's stuff that I come across (usually letters-to-the-editor stuff), to watch him spiral down into true mind-boggling insanity but rarely make it all the way to the end - it's just too painful, all those truths ... ...my ribs start to hurt, I can't breathe, I may have knocked something to the floor from laughing so hard. It's dangerous! Sometimes, I just can't handle the truth.
  • *considers registering mavethesales.com* Good post, Danny Kay. Just remember: "The pellet with the poison's in the flagon with the dragon, the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true." You have that DVD, don't you? :)
  • This is part of an undeclared elite war on heterosexual institutions (marriage, family, fatherhood, children.) It began in earnest in the 1960's when Communist/ CIA provocateurs like Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem were lionized in the media for stigmatizing mothers and homemakers. When did John Ashcroft start doing movie reviews?
  • Bananas for Danny Kay. And Sully wins.
  • bleah, what a dick
  • We are being subverted; degraded to the level of dogs sniffing genitals. Sniffing genitals is degrading? Well crap, there goes my Saturday night.
  • Dickhead, GramMa. Dicks are fine. It's the dickheads we need to watch out for.
  • Jews (="Illuminati") set Hollywood up. So? Inspired business decision on many levels, including available light/ shooting days per year (lots), land (plenty), and talent (also bags of). I'm glad they did it. Good for them.
  • wendell, Who doesn't? I wish I had a copy of Skokie, though. Is the [deranged] theory really that Jews = Illuminati? I never knew that. Huh. Who knew?
  • Where'd Henry get his PhD from anyway? I had a quick google, but the shit was starting to stick to my fingers so I quit. Daniel
  • Embarassing as it is to admit, it appears Hank got his Ph.D in English Lit from the University of Toronto in 1982. "Great minds" my foot and that isn't just academic parochialism talking. I keep telling them that they need to get better crack-pot student filters, but President Birgeneau and Dean Daniels never listen to me...something about freedom of expression, blah blah blah.
  • A woman's physical attraction is a function of her fertility. oh, christ, that reminds me, i forgot to have children.
  • Paging Dave Sim to the thread, Dave Sim, you are needed at the thread, please...
  • Don't even get me started about Dave Sim.
  • Dave Sim, Dave Sim, Dave Sim. Heh.
  • I fail to see how this has anything to do with Melvin Van Gibson's movie "The Esplosion of the Christ" in all it's true horrific hollywood made-up bible crap.