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August 20, 2004

A tutorial in Isometric Pixel Art. And another. And and an isometric map of Washington DC. And an isometric street corner in New York City. Some isometric views of key events in recent history. An Isometric Constructor app (Flash). And the Mr Wong's incredible Soup'Partments.
So you wanna be a spy? Earn your official degree on this secluded pacific island - and it's even better than that one you found in that cereal box! more inside

August 19, 2004

Tampa Bay Blogger Fest Alright kiddies. The event will be on September 18th at 6:30 PM at Splitsville.
Jude Law to play Ian Curtis in new movie. Ian Curtis, tragically dead singer of Joy Division (1977-1980, later picking up drummer's wife to become New Order) will be played by second sexiest man on earth in forthcoming biopic. The confusion in my eyes says it all / I've lost control.
Saul Williams Has Released a New Album. We demand a truth naturally at one with the land / Not a plant that photosynthesizes bombs on demand / Or a search for any weapons we let fall from our hands / I got beats and a plan / I'm gonna do what I can. more inside
When monkeys attack! Shame on you monkeys! Now fess up. Was it the surlyboi gang, or the BBS brigade that was responsible for this state of affairs?
Camp Records. That purveyor of such classic hits of the 60s as "I'd Rather Swish than Fight", "Homer the Happy Little Homo", and "Stanley the Manly Transvestite ".
Curious George: I want a PC pony! I've been very good this year, so I get a new toy, and I need your help choosing it! more inside
Pentagon to provide free breast augmentation for female military personnel. Amidst understandable outcry against such policy being a poor way to spend those precious tax dollars. more inside
Animations by David Shrigley lo-fi artist stretches pathos to breaking point
Is this the Best? Curious George: I wantsss a good MP3 Player! more inside
Bear guzzles 36 beers, passes out at campground
Robo-One 2004. Video (3.90MB MPEG) of a fighting robot pummelling a smaller one and then flexing its arms in celebration before falling off the table. more inside
Eye Hates You
The Allen Brain Atlas Project aims to take brain mapping to a new level. It sounds exciting, though to be honest I'm not sure I understand precisely how they are doing it. They'll never come up with anything as appealing as these, anyway, or this (from quite an interesting paper).
Neil Gaiman is a rat. Helping the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, one rodent at a time. more inside
Today's posts suggest there's a whole lot of hating going on. Thankfully, there's more loves you (about 755,000 ) than hates you (about 81,000).
It's just colored text But it looks nice.
Annatomically Correct African Vervet Monkey Costume. Unfortunately, bidding has ended for this item. Here's a meepzorp mirror. NSFW!
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