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December 05, 2004

Curious George: Budget help The recent thread on debt has made me look at my budget more closely. And realize all is not well in Denmark. more inside
Becker and Posner Conquer the Blogosphere: Gary Becker, a Nobel prize winning economist, and Richard Posner, a prolific author and influential federal judge, launch their blog today.
West Coast Whiskeys A cool little article in the LA Times that details a renaissance of whiskey making here in California. Thought that my drinky-monkeys would find it of interest.
Wrath of the Gods! - you are God, and you must punish mankind. Destroy mortals with increasing levels of abilities. Crush the mortals, see them driven before you, hear the lamentation of the women, then crush them too. Also cows and sheep. Moo. This is a FLASH game.
Christianity and BDSM. Quite SFW from an images point of view; there are none. Lots of text and discussions, and the URL is a little racy but there you go. Not much to discuss really, just thought you'd all like to know that the site exists. more inside
Insomnious, George: Although it was touched on here, i'm sitting up at 2:31 AM on a Monday, getting up for work in 5 hours, and wondering what the hell i'm doing... Are there any sure fire monkey cures for sleeplessness?
The Wonderfully Absurd Temple Buddhism meets modernism in uptown Taibei. Old but still good. more inside
Advent Calendar - 25 days of surprises [flash]
HIV testing to become mandatory for couples in Singapore. more inside
Life-saving Oreo. For sale. Q: Has he licked the filling out yet?
Just Say No To Drug Reps.
Quite Possibly the First Time the Word "Blog" was Used in Comics The year was 1959 and Blog was a cave dweller with a thing for Lois Lane. more inside
Dubya: The Movie Things around Mayberry were never the same once one of their own was elected President.
Florida Holiday Monkey Meetup Melinika and I were chatting on #mofirc about December meetup action around the weekend of the 18th. more inside

December 04, 2004

Curious George: Explain that tune. We know who Yoshimi is. We know all about Daniel. Moneyjane tracked down Jane in Spain. We found Kenneth's frequency, can you? more inside
ATOM: Aluminum Tree and Ornament Museum. "Slip into the cool, space-age era" of aluminum Christmas trees!
"You can kill a revolutionary, but you can't kill a revolution." On December 4th, 1969, Black Panther Fred Hampton was gunned down in his apartment by members of the Chicago Police Department. The report alledging that the CPD acted in self-defense was demolished by reporters of the time (though there doesn't seem to be any internet trace of it), but the officers were exonerated anyway. In 1990, Chicago's City Council declared December 4th "Fred Hampton Day," which was narrowed from the "National Revolutionary Day" that was declared by his survivors. Vibe Magazine interviews his son Fred Hampton jr. about his father. more inside
Curious George: Scooters In need of reliable urban transport, yet being of limited resources, I am considering buying a 49 cc motorscooter. However, I'm finding little in the way of substantive product reviews online, so I turn to the monkeys for help. more inside
Wigger Comix (NSFW) OK, this isn't going to be one of the shining jewels, but hey, it's a slow day on MoFi.
Poo flinging Monkey?
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