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December 22, 2004

Wal-Mart: Brand New Laptops less than $500!!! ooooh yeah. Methinks if this actually flies, they will do to computer manufacturers what they did to every other chain retailer. Crush them.
Officious George: Living in a Cube I'm blasting my headphones right now, because my cube neighbor is loudly yammering on and on about Kung Fu on the phone (and I can still hear him). I'm just wondering what's the best way to deal with an über annoying co-worker, (especially one who is sensitive to critcism) without breaking office politics. more inside
Meaningful Post Who makes the meaning, in this poststructural world? Me, the author of the post? Or you, the audience? more inside
Are you into viewing extraterrestial objects? If you are one of the relatively few on this planet that enjoys locating fuzzy patches of light in the night sky, Comet Machholz is just for you. more inside
Bush Monkeys. At long last the MoFi / Presidential connection is recognized.
Christmas Goodies
I want to work for Huh?® - "Our main consulting strategy is to convince clients that we do stuff they can't do themselves, and that we deserve lots of money for it. The best way to do this is to always look good, and always sound like we know something you don't. Because we do. Our CEO is rarely in his office, and all female team members are expected to sleep with him, or at least pretend like they want to. Our designers ride Razor scooters around the office, while wearing mail-bag style backpacks to hold their iPods." Via Bifurcated Rivets
A test for monkeys If you were in the following situation, what would you do, and why? more inside
Bit Torment? So we have all heard about the MPAA's recent offensive that appears to have claimed Suprnova and TorrentBits and many other popular aggregators. Does this mean they have won the War On Torrentism? Mark Pesce doesn't think so. Or rather, he thinks that the MPAA have won this round--not an extraordinary win given the nature of BitTorrent--only to guarantee their complete loss in the future, like with the RIAA. A natural reaction, but how likely is it? more inside
Don't eat it Steve!! -- Steve eats things he shouldn't and blogs about it.
Very rare holiday album. Featuring Axl Rose, Cocteua Twins and Porky Pig. What else belongs on the monkey holiday mix-tape?

December 21, 2004

Something funny is going on out there.
Hacking Coke Machines A how-to on hacking Coca-Cola vending machines using the drink buttons on the front of the machine! Anyone tried this? (If that site's down, just google for "Hacking Coke Machines" and you'll get several sites)
Curious George - hotkey to un-minimize a window in OS X I'm wondering if there's a hotkey in OS X to bring back a minimized window. more inside
Doing It Right Marrying Mr. Wrong ...Everything you ever wanted to know about prison weddings, in Prison Talk Online's wedding forum.
Meet the Beastles - Before they get ye old C&D letter.
The Truth About Curses "While curses may be real, paying money to remove a curse, if anything, will only make the situation worse..." Thank goodness they take PayPal.
Curious George: Does anyone have any recommendations for services that allow you to print digital pictures out on canvas. Specifically services that can do 20x20 images
Curious George: You can't install that OS! Has anyone had a problem where Windows 2000 does not run on a major brand-name computer? more inside
Curious George: errrr...is Dame Tracicle with baby or was it just my imagination? If not my imagination, can the monkeys have an update?
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