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January 04, 2005

Curious, George: another stupid work question. I need advice about whether I'm being asked WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much at my job. more inside

January 03, 2005

No productivity here. Fun bouncing balls and elastic connectors.
Curious George: Free service to host MP3's for download I have a low traffic blog and would like to occasionally offer MP3's for download. more inside
Curious George: "Your Move, Mr. Cage" I was watching some old clips of The Daily Show and at least once Jon Stewart ended something by saying "Your move, Mr. Cage" in a most Dr. No-like manner... more inside
The results of dialing 867-5309 from every US area code. Something of a followup to this thread. [Via MeFi]
The Moscow Metro is without a doubt the grandest, most beautiful and ornate subway system in the world. It boasts the largest ridership, 265km of track and is built almost entirely underground. It celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2005.
Alien Taxidermy
Requires some exploration, but pays off nicely.
Zhou Xuan: Shanghai's "Golden Throat" A beautiful singer-actress with a unique singing style and a mysterious past, star of 43 movies including her most famous and beloved, "The Angel in the Street," Zhou Xuan died tragically at the age of 37. more inside
African Tomb assists you in scattering a loved one's ashes in Africa. Also, 3 X PEOPLE WILL EACH RECEIVE AN AFRICAN TOMB GIFT BASKET FILLED WITH AFRICAN GOODIES! Hmmm.
Explosive coin shrinker. Dubious scientific merit and questionable safety standards combine to illustrate the concept of the "shrinking dollar".
First Monday : A peer-reviewed journal on the net about the net.
Remote Islands Made More Remoterer I have excerpted this from "The SMH," an Australian paper. I have provided the link, but it requires a subscription, pardner. more inside
I would've spilled all. He didn't crack in the comfy chair. Time for the Fleetwood Mac Album! more inside
The Skeptic's Dictionary A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions (and how to think critically about them) more inside
Astor Cube: The anatomy of a prank. Completely ripped off from memepool.
Here Y'are: Free Frogurt - Just print this coupon out & run on in to a TCBY (whatever the hell that stands for) store. One free cup of TCBY Low Carb Lovers frozen yogurt. But only one each, remember! Offer expires at the end of January. And no, I do not own a franchise, nor am I being paid for this. It's free, dammit.
The 2005 Bloggies Awards have started to gather nominations. Go forth and nominate thy favorites. more inside
Something fishy about this... If you collected posters to hang on your wall, and all of the posters had a similar theme, what would that theme be? Swimsuit models? Famous athletes? Great movies? more inside
More fun that a barrel full of, you know... Some video from the last LA MoFi Meetup. Enjoy.

January 02, 2005

Pizza, Beer, and Tracicle. Monkeybashi, #2 and the kidlet are coming to the Bay Area at the end of January. Toss those New Year's Resolutions aside and put the meetup on your calendar. When: Saturday, January 29, 6pm onwards Where: Jupiter in Berkeley (right at the Downtown Berkeley BART station) more inside
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