October 19, 2004
Apparently, the NY Times has successfully managed to piss the republicans off...
what, with supporting Kerry n' all.
Oh, they've brought it...who cares that it sounds like "nanner nanner poo poo, the great big middle of America is more powerful than it's coasts, and your puny newspaper IS not reaad there"
(use this: http://www.salon.com/news/cookie.html to get into Salon)
October 14, 2004
It's up to EVERY american to elect president....but not really.
hmmm....the Electoral College, their case in the 2000 race (Gore vs. Bush) and why oh why this time around their vote may count more than ever...
October 13, 2004
6 years ago, Matthew Sheppard was brutally beaten to death. His father, Dennis, gave one of the most compelling speeches I've ever read.
I'm sorry, this is my second post today, but I feel this post necessary...
Let's not forget, this type of thing still happens.
October 12, 2004
Who's got the dirtiest air in the planet?
looks like China forgot to pay their cleaning bill.
October 11, 2004
Speaking of high gas prices...how does 70MPG sound?
I'd say it sounds pretty damn good...and on top of that, you get a car that everyone will want to hug AND on top of THAT you can chage colors to fit your moods, park anywhere, and be able to go onto hover mode to fly over traffic (ok, not really) but it seems pretty cool!
I'm so getting me one.
October 06, 2004
The CIA finally admitted that although Saddam had intentions to build them (WMD's) -- big surprise here -- He had no economical means to do so.
If I recall correctly, it was just a little over a year ago that the ppl atop were swearing up and down that there WERE indeed WMD's and that we were all gonna die.
I don't care how aloof Bush is, or how hard-faced Cheney can get, this WILL hurt. (at least someone has the silver bullet now..USE IT)
Let's see how quickly this report gets buried by the media.
October 04, 2004
What would we like Microsoft to do for us?..."have Bill Gates send me a check for all the aggravation I've suffered"
is one way of dealing with it. "Naked Microsoft" is a more unorthodox way. Geeks around the world weight in on this most interesting subject...o yah, what would you do Monkeys?
October 01, 2004
And now, an annoucement from the urinal...
yep, you heard that right. Some dude with *i think* too much time in his hands, has just come up with a brand new way to disturb men's already semi-traumatic pissing in Urinals experience.
(Viagra is gonna have a Ball with this)
September 30, 2004
KINGDA KA: The Rollercoaster of tomorrow!...or next spring...OH! this ride is so fast it'll make you feel weightless...
that is, of course, if you manage to not have a massive heart attack after climbing 456' at 130MPH, and it's subsequent drop...
I think this borders on sado-masochism...
and I liiiiiiiike it!
and it's in MY state! yay!
(finally something good about NJ)
September 29, 2004
Toutatis, the asteroid, came as close to earth as any asteroid in 500 years...
the perennial question: what would you do if it was going to hit earth in the next 24hrs? (I would just cross my fingers and hope it hits Texas first)
September 28, 2004
Monkeys, flu season is coming...find your shots here
and keep the sniffles at bay!
(concerned Monkey)
September 24, 2004
The International Space Station has less than 2 months of life unles repaired, and the US (via Bush) is apparently ready to back out of the deal...
Talk about bad timing! The 100US$ Billion lab is failing to maintain oxygen levels and after the Columbia Space shuttle's accident, the way to ferry people into and out of there is, well, no more!
[my fellow Americans, billions of your tax money have been spent on the ISS, but the Russians have failed us. It's time for us to move ahead and waste some more on some other non-sensical enterprise]
I may be accused of being obtuse, but honestly, WTF is the point of putting a man in Mars? I understand the advantages of testing stuff in the ISS but Mars? COME ON!
September 14, 2004
These cops are so bored that they've turned to shocking each other...
well no, not really. My curiosity, however, is rather piqued: is this whole "do unto others only what's done unto you" theory funny or the most social conscious decision in recent history?
(greetings from Warrior)
September 07, 2004
Batman is dead, Superman and Wonderwoman turn to the dark side, Commissioner Gordon is a sell out
and Gotham has gone to shait...only one man wants to know why, Dick Grayson (a.k.a Robin). Find out what happens in this indie film that's not quite a film, but a preview of a Movie that may never exist.
Cool! (greetings from Warrior)
August 30, 2004
The Scientists Agree: Top 10 SCI-fi Movies of all Times...
so I ask you monkeys...what are YOUR top 10? or top 5 or top 3 or whatever?
(Greetings from the Warrior)
August 05, 2004
"MA'!!!!! The Bacon Stole My Bjork CD again!!!"
well, why wouldn't it? if I were freezing, I'd like to listen to some good music too...
August 04, 2004
At 300# per lift, the damage these soldiers can make will be unimaginable...
but who cares about all that! THESE SUITS ARE THE SHIZNIT!
July 29, 2004
so you have a gaping wound, and don't know what to do?
well, you can bleed to death. Or, thanks to potatoes, you can keep on living.
July 21, 2004
Should be nice to find a "mouse" worth millions
or is it? Government once again pulls a "Big Brother" on it's constituents (not OUR government, surprisingly) saying "Keep the sweat, we'll keep the money"....honey
July 09, 2004
yes touch it, please
because the screen is sooo far away, now, for your convenience, it'll chase you around...and perhaps, if you're lucky, take you out to dinner...