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March 18, 2006

Urban Exploring Or perhaps they're trespassers. With their own lingo, own worldwide network, and own blog.
USB Art via Core77
Never mind the Bollocks, here's the Pish Dolls. I recommend watching the Ace of Spades video.
BoardGameGeek is an insanely comprehensive site at the vanguard of the quiet renaissance in the world of table-top gaming. Browse its vast board game database, read a myriad of reviews, discover new suggestions on how to play old favorites, uncover long lost holy grails of childhood, chilling reminders of world views thankfully fading, and quite a few surprises. more inside
LoveToKnow Music, a wiki devoted to all aspects of music more inside
Curious George: Ping. Why does ping work on some sites but not others? For example I tried "ping www.nytimes.com" and always get "request timed out". But it works fine for google.com and other servers. Do some web servers block pings?

March 17, 2006

The Wild Parrots of Brooklyn: Tough guys -- monk or quaker parrots -- make their home in a number of unexpected locations. Most people think of parrots as a tropical bird but New York State has several nests of feral quakers now. more inside
Extreme Survival Quiz!! Friday Flash "Fun". Take this quiz and find out if you would survive these dire situations, or be reduced to a grease spot. more inside
Snakes. On a plane. Who says Hollywood is running out of ideas? (warning: YouTube link) Now, I wouldn't normally post something from SomethingAwful, but this really takes the cake. more inside
Drawball! It's a ball in which you, and pretty much everyone in the whole damn world, draw! more inside
He wanted twenty-two bucks for it, but I talked him down to seventeen...
Dogs and other animals in shawls. That's all really. Just some Friday cute. via
Big Pot Factory Bust in Oakland With products like Jones'n Soda, Joint Cola, Rasta Reese's, Stoney Ranchers and Trippy Peanut Butter, it was only a matter of time... Sorry this didn't last 'til Halloween, they were about 3 miles from where I live. With video, too.
Experiments with paper cups.
The Lego Suicides

March 16, 2006

"Uh, does he know what happens to Supernovas?" So you didn't win the chance to be INXS' new vocalist, and record a dud album. Fear not -- now you can compete to sing with Tommy Lee's new band. (Maybe even share the same bus toilet as him...)
A Photographer and his Dog. One day eight years ago, a young landscape photographer from Vienna was visiting a farm near Verona, Italy, when he learned about a spotted puppy with black ears that no one wanted. The photographer, Toni Anzenberger, adopted the dog and named him Pecorino, thinking it meant "little sheep" in Italian. Wonderful story, excellent dog. Home site. more inside
Subgenius custody case takes ugly turn. Widely discussed elsewhere last month, Rachel Bevilacqua lost custody of her child when the judge in her custody case saw pictures of her at the Church of the Subgenius' X-Day celebrations. The case has taken an ugly turn: Rachel has been (verbally) ordered by the judge to cease discussing the case on the internet. more inside
72 Degrees "is the angle of a healthy erection." It's also a great new shelf for teens, with a secret compartment for hiding your pr0n. Via...

March 15, 2006

A beef with St. Paddy's? Some Catholic bishops are lifting the no-meat-on-Friday rule, to allow for the consumption of Corned Beef on St. Paddy's Day (although it's debatable whether Corned Beef is actually 'meat', rather than 'meat product'). Aah, if only they'd done this in time to save the teeth-curling splendour of the Shamrock Shake.
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