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November 08, 2005

Des Res, complete with bride. Looking for a new house? And a wife? Well now you can get both in one go. It's the House with Bride! stolen from
Retroengine - an interesting collection of old colour illustrations from something or other, I don't recognise the language, it could be ..er, Japanese? .. robots, futurism, history and nature done in delightful retro style. Have at it. more inside
CELTS 'R' US, BEGORRAGH! .."Early Gaelic ollamhs (professors of history) and scribes recorded the actions of the kings and the provincial nobility of Ireland who supported them; and, after the mission of St. Patrick, the leaders of the Church. The annals of these scribes have become the early history of Ireland."
China: The Three Emperors. Lovely site trailing the Royal Academy's forthcoming exhibition "devoted to the artistic and cultural riches of Imperial China". Splendours abound.
Honest Videogame Titles They range from the funny to the odd, but most gamers will laugh out loud at some of these videogame covers.
Sorry if this is a horribly obvious question Ive been wondering for a while now if there is a MoFi style site for news. I know newsfilter.com will take me to snap news, but Im looking for a site to talk about the news, not just get updates.
Pustota - an interesting FLASH music video rich with imagery in a style reminiscent of the Brothers Quay. [VIA: NEWGROUNDS.COM]
The adventures of Atari - page 1, page 2 more inside
Curious George: mp3 mayhem [Disclaimer: does not contain mayhem] more inside

November 07, 2005

Paris Is Burning ...Newsfilterish...but 300 towns were rioting last night. WTF? After Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, journalist Philippe Grangereau wrote in the French newspaper Liberation that the hurricane "has revealed America's weaknesses: its racial divisions, the poverty of those left behind by its society, and especially its president's lack of leadership." In this snide chiding are insights to the riots that began in a poor suburb outside Paris over a week ago. more inside
Video of US use of chemical weapons in Iraq (WARNING - GRAPHIC) Incredibly graphic, unmistakeable video of US use of chemical weapons in Iraq. Italian documentary. 44 megabytes.
Curious George Which Intel Desktop processors are 64Bit?
Bush Declares: 'We Do Not Torture' "We do not torture!" But we need an exemption for the CIA.--> Over White House opposition, the Senate has passed legislation banning torture. With Vice President Dick Cheney as the point man, the administration is seeking an exemption for the
eBaum's World Sucks - NSFW requires FLASH and includes catchy ditty and harmonies. more inside
"Motherlode" of bull semen stolen from liquid nitrogen tanks at a farm in Frederick County, Maryland. It's estimated value is $75,000. A "nice, fat reward" is currently being offered.
Yale Music NEWSFILTER: Yale School of Music Receives $100 Million Gift - The Yale School of Music has received a gift of $100 million that will allow the school to subsidize fully the tuition for all students, Yale President Richard C. Levin has announced.
RASCAL and BEETLE. Speculative writing, and contorted tales.
XOR - strategy is everything more inside
WWII photos from the US National Archives. Great photos, and they are in nice, high resolution for your viewing pleasure.

November 06, 2005

Maywa Denki Japanese Nonsense Machines. This might be useful, but this? Here is some background. The perform live with the instruments they create like this one.
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