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January 17, 2005

Bill Gates, Porno Model more inside
MusicBlog shut down by British copyright agency
The IFPI backdoors the webmaster and forces the hosting company to shut the fellow down. Moistworks does GOOD work and he's made his politics very clear on his site. He's moving to a different host but this kind of backwards thinking is never good.
Panzerfust Records is a white supremacy record lable. They have begun Project Schoolyard , which is an effort to hand out free cds to teenagers to convert them. In fact, their slogan for Project Schoolyard is "We Don't Just Entertain Racist Kids: We Create Them."
I'm sure that two Iraqi "terrorists" would much rather quit the insurgency, than be forced to find each other irresistible. But the military doesn't like to disrupt the enemy, they like to kill it. See here the quirky, non-lethal Weapons of Mass Disruption that that the pentagon has scrapped. Why? beats me.
Death - the last taboo: The Interactive Autopsy. Requires FLASH. Not gory because all cartoon, the only video is a pathologist explaining the trouble with brains. There is more detailed info on autopsies, autopsy instruments, decomposition, morgues and mortuaries etc, on the associated site. It doesn't, however, tell you which are the best cuts of meat for eating purposes. For that information, I suggest looking into the careers of Ed Gein or good ol' Bert Fish.
Ryfkah the Sphynx Hairless Cat - also Paulïe, Penelope and more in the gallery. People say these hairless cats are ugly but I think they are beautiful.
Coronation Of Democracy Hmmm, I never knew that the "The Inaugural Night Blowjob was first introduced by Mamie Eisenhower in 1953"
Curious, George: I had my car window smashed last night. (SMASH!). Anybody have any experience with getting a car door window replaced? That is, how much should I expect to pay? Is this something I should get the dealer to take care of, or any old glass place? more inside
Preemptive Strike? (CNN link) If the US "preemptively" bombs Iran, I will have to begin to think that it's OK to attack the United States. I would prefer that OPEC freeze all trade with America and her allies. more inside
Click the wheel to visit a random Web page. more inside
Clarence Thomas: God Before Constitution Via Sam Heldman According to The Birmingham News:
Many stood and applauded former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore as he walked to the stage to administer the oath to Parker. Moore's action was ceremonial, since Parker took his formal oath of office Thursday before U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in Washington. Parker said Thomas told him a judge should be evaluated by whether he faithfully upholds his oath to God, not to the people, to the state or to the Constitution.
Does Thomas really feel that a Justice should put God over the Constitution or was Parker blowing smoke? Thomas will likely more inside
Kitsch'n Glam. Life happens. Look fabulous.
Cricket Activated Defence System from the Center for Tactical Magic
I know this is on CNN right now, but come on. How does one manage to do this, but not realize it.
Lovely big elephant gets painted - and appears to enjoy it. After all, elephant skin is very sensitive, so they say. Probly lovely tickles. Ky00t.
I just can't decide. Which one to bid on.

January 16, 2005

Outsourcing Drive-throughs When you go through the drive-through in Missouri, the person you are talking to is in Colorado Springs who then sends a picture of you and your order back to the McDonalds. more inside
Pogmania! "The game of pogs originated in the 1920s on the Hawaiian island of Maui. There dairy workers played the game during breaks using simple milkcaps. Almost 70 years later, a Hawaiian schoolteacher reintroduced the game and mass appeal soon followed." taken from here! more inside
ESA flubs Titan landing show , probably the "worst PR disaster in the entire history of space travel", says astrophysicist Jeffrey Bell. Dr. Bell also laments The Next Five Big NASA Failures, the Mars Genesis fiasco ("the first time a real mission has copied a bad movie"), and ISS: International Space Scrapyard. Maybe he's the Andy Rooney of the space world, but he does puts forward some thought-provoking ideas.
Pongomania! Wonderfully odd and surreal sculptures.
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