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January 26, 2005

Irv Spence's Daily Diary In 1944, MGM animator Irv Spence kept a cartoon diary of the daily goings-on in the cartoon industry. Big world issues (this WAS 1944) keep popping up, too. Filboid Sudge blogs the diary day-by-day.
Is there anything cuter than two identical twin twelve-year-old girls who have a band together? How about if they dress in matching plaid skirts
Keep you JAYSUS of MAH Penis...ok, so this might not be worth shit, but it's def. Gutsy...particularly the Bush's daughter part. For Quicktimers and For Windowers SFW if you turn your speakers down...I think.
Order of the Stick Are you a member of the Order? A webcomic for all those who've sweatily fondled twenty sided dice.
Place the State Test your knowledge of US geography! A fun little puzzle.
Firefly Pinyinary - for all your Chinese space swearing needs. more inside
Contribute one sprite at a time.
The Ten Worst Corporations of 2004 -- The Multinational Monitor publicly shames 2004's most villainous price gougers, polluters, union-busters, dictator-coddlers, fraudsters, poisoners, deceivers, and general miscreants. via the excellent Progressive Review / Undernews. more inside
Republican Girls Are Easy It was posted by Wonkette. So it must be true.
The Striking Daughter Sayuri quicktime, PNSFW, silly, disturbing, and really quite wonderful more inside
Yoga: Not a Choice for Christians - At least not Jehovah's Witnesses. Apparently it can lead to demon posession.
Curious George: I'm Dying Should you tell a SO that you've got not too long for the world? more inside

January 25, 2005

50 most obnox...oh wait, it's not obnoxious, it's loathsome...50 most loathsome people in America Yes monkeys, it includes Clay Aiken, Jonh Kerry and 50 cent. It's ok if no one asked me, I still approve.
Hitler and the Sea-Monkeys "Nobody ever doubted that Harold von Braunhut was one twisted dude. What else can you say about a man who transformed a dinky, transparent species of crustacean into "Amazing Live Sea-Monkeys," peddling billions of the creatures under fantastically false pretenses? A man whose 194 other patents included those other unforgettable staples of comic-book advertising, Invisible Goldfish and X-Ray Spex?"
Copts, the forgotten Christians. One of the oldest Christian sects, formed in Egypt, the Coptic Christians endured persecution by Roman Christians for their supposed heresies. . Initially they flourished under Islamic rule, but shifts in Miuslim attitudes, exacerbated by the Crusades, led to waves of persecution that did not recede until the 19th century. The Coptic language and writing system is the most direct descendant of ancient Egyptian, and was pivotal in decipering the hieroglyphs of old Egypt.
Curious George: What the funk? In a continuation of the previous question on this topic, I present you with the following: I have a new cube neighbor, who likes to wear purfume. Lots and lots of purfume. To the point where I can see the vapors rolling out of her cube. more inside
Yaaaayy! SpongeBob receives 'unequivocal welcome' from United Church of Christ. Rev. John H. Thomas, the UCC's general minister and president, also takes the opportunity to slap radical cleric James C. Dobson around with his own Christian morals. (Follow up to this post.)
Elephants save lives before tsunami strikes Article about captive Thai elephants who sensed the earthquake and then the approaching tsunami. Breaking free of their restraints, they fled to the hills and picked up any foreigners on the way and saved them from the water also.
You Can Always Trust A NAKED CARPENTER
Dragostea Din Tei RULES YOUR WORLD more inside
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