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May 11, 2005
Kusturica in the NYT.
"I remember he called me on the phone and told me the story of the guy in 'Life Is a Miracle' -- you know, it's a true story, it really happened, this man and woman together -- and we made it into a song. And I tell you, for us, this song, this movie, it felt like a window in this windowless room we had been stuck in, this bloody Balkan room without any exit, and we recognized a way out."
Sci Fi as it should be
The months in advance sneak previews of Serenity have been selling out in a matter of hours Word of mouth reviews so far is that this is a very, very good movie indeed. Yay! Joss Whedon comes through!
And if you try to tell me spoilers, I'll stick my
fingers in my ears and go "lalalalalalalala" until
May 10, 2005
Kenneth Parker
- photography.
Pavarotti loves elephants.
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Kitty Claw$
:Dog mauls cat, owner gets $45K
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Sniffed it?!!
Strange goings on on a New Zealand beach...
Beautiful Majorettes.
"This site is dedicated to the majorettes and pom-pom girls who parade in Menton during 3 weeks for the yearly Lemon Feast (La Fête du Citron). Most of the photos are a selection of majorettes from Slavic countries. They march in the streets, the roads and the places of the city in the morning , afternoon and sometimes the night." Lots of cool pics!
Disabled Girls Are Easy
"I'm not saying all men are bastards but, from what I've seen, a disabled, 'vulnerable' woman brings out the misogynists in hordes."
"I'm not saying all men are bastards but, from what I've seen, a disabled, 'vulnerable' woman brings out the misogynists in hordes."
Curious George:
Help me name my band!
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The Fragile Circus
(flash, sound, etc.) and more by Canadian artist Myron Campbell.
The American Toad (Bufo americanus).
It has finally gotten warm enough here in Toronto that the frogs and toads have begun to call. On my run yesterday I noticed that an inordinate amount of unrestrained amphibian sex was taking place in the puddles near the path. Problem is, the racket (real audio link) is beginning to keep me up!
Take the time to learn it.
I was taught it a while ago and can't stop impressing people. What I have noticed though is that on the new Master locks, the real third number is usually one of the numbers that shouldn't work, but turns slightly differently.
... Wooh! First post!
Snip Snip!
Release your inner child and cut out a Snowflake.
May 09, 2005
Some Members of the US Congress are Curious about the rationale for the Iraq War.
"We have of course known for some time that subsequent to the invasion there have been a variety of reasons proffered to justify the invasion, particularly since the time it became evident that weapons of mass destruction would not be found."
Glad they're getting around to it.
Don't go there!
Infiltrators, urban explorers, urban spelunkers...
While not a new concept, the "secret society" of people involved in such poking-arounds of urban landscape is getting wider exposure recently.
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- "dedicated to the beauty this planet has to offer"
Rent a German and smile!
"You can select the German of your choice for an exclusive lifetime experience: Imagine to appear with your German at parties, family events, or just hang out with them at the local shopping center."
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