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May 04, 2005
Any Zombies Out There?
Yes. Lots. And they're bloody hard to kill.
Nice and frustrating little game. [via]
Curious George Illustration Art in Orlando
The art of H. A. and Margret Rey.
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Curiously Jittery George:
When viewing certain .wmv files (okay, a torrent of last night's Daily Show) the picture is very clear but also very jumpy. I've tried viewing with every media player I have... what gives, monkeys?
Contribute and/or edit a melody.
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This guy is sick of BMG Music.
You might be too, if you're one of the lucky people who have recently received a CD you didn't order. Oh, and there's a bill enclosed. Apparently this is BMG's new marketing campaign: send people music and a bill, and they will pay. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to call and complain or even cancel your new "account." I wonder how many people are falling for this?
Curious George:
I have a friend with an iPod hard drive problem and I told him I would ask here, maybe one of you Monkeys knows! Not owning an iPod, I personally have no clue.
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May 03, 2005
The MoFiWiki.
A place to post your personal projects, ask for help, have a personal page, map yourself, find accommodation, explain in-jokes, or get a philosophical answer to the question that keeps you awake at 3am. Open to Monkeys only.
Bill Gates Endgadget Interview
Xbox & Phone software mostly Good read - part II tomorrow.
Xbox & Phone software mostly Good read - part II tomorrow.
Nobody reads books or go to libraries,
now that the glorious Turkmenbashi has given us the only book worth reading.
Lockheed Martin
has come up with a replacement for the Shuttle that is uglier, flimsier, dumber-looking and even more of a chunky-ass piece of crap than that which it is supposed to replace.
I have seen the future, and it is fugly.
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May 5 is the National Day of Prayer
This Thursday, be sure to get on your knees and pray!
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Sensitive Light: a Portfolio of Photographs by Graham Jeffery.
Excellent photographs, with galleries by subject and a blog.
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Curious George: I need a graphic artist to design a logo
I want a logo for letterhead and business cards for my new law practice.
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Revenge of the Sith
"Revenge of the Sith" is, quite simply, fucking awesome. This is the "Star Wars" prequel the haters have been bitching for since "Menace" came out, and if they don't cop to that when they finally see it, they're lying.Strong words. And I almost believed him until this: more inside
"Twelve napkin folds you don't have to remember, just bookmark this page." Myself, I like the naughty one. (Never fear, quite SFW. It's a NAPKIN, after all.)
The politics of backlash.
Great article on why blue-collar America is going over to the Republicans and how liberals still don't get it.
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A Call to Arms!
Or at least a call to set pens to paper...
A very good friend of my wife and I is in her
last month of pregnancy. Yesterday, her OB put her on complete and total bedrest rest for the next three or more weeks. Our little monkey brains started scheming on how to make our friend's enforced confinement as a very pregnant beached whale bearable.
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SciFiNoir deleted
Apparently, Yahoo won't let people talk about current events on their groups.
Man Tries to Pay for Pizza With Pot
Police arrested a 21-year-old man early Saturday after he allegedly assaulted a pizza delivery driver who refused to take marijuana as payment for a pie.