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April 27, 2004
God exists,
of course. See this bonfire? (Argument No. 17) Argument 188 is the clincher. But is he really an old man with a beard or secretly a hot Abercrombie chick? The Top Ten of the Gods is currently a Greek whitewash, but surely there should be a place for this one, or these, or maybe even him?
Some Pictures A Friend Brought Back From Iraq
*warning* at least a few are extremely graphic. Most are tanks-and-sand shots. Unlike what's on TV or cnn.com though, for it's "untrained-eye" camera viewpoint.
Not so much invisible as ...
Invisible Adjunct is hanging up the mortar board and putting down the felt-tipped pen.
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Control a remote arm
in a lab over the internet. Perhaps build a tower. Take over the world. Unpeel a banana.
Speaking Pittsburghese.
Or San Franciscan, or Chicagoan, or pretty much anywhere-an. (Offer valid only in the US and/or Canada, apparently.)
Is there anything the Internet can't do?
Take a controversial picture, add PHP, and away we go!
Brown does Potter:
Ian Brown, former Stone Roses' singer joins the cast of the 4th Harry Potter film, "playing a wizard with gold teeth."
Grilling With The Jetsons!
Do I wear it or light it?
If they could have mixed the TRON suit guy also,
it would have been perfect. 2Mb WMV video mix with the Star Wars kid over the Kill Bill trailer. So, what do you think Tarantino will ask on the lawsuit?
(Btw, while I know firsthand just how difficult this kind of collages are, can't help but feel bad for all those stray Uma-bits around. Just a little more polishing...mmh...)
April 26, 2004
Hey, Crackhead!
Average San Francisco Joe has beef with average San Francisco crackhead (via Cruel Site of the Day)
Antique Toasters!
New Antique Stoves & Refrigerators! everything for the kitsch kitchen
my favorites are the toasters though
tset ha tset ha
(adv.) + stupid fool! 'tset' is the penis. 'tset ha tset ha' is to describe a person who are very ugly that really looks like the Penis! When you say 'tset' in Cantonese it is close to the number'seven' .So people in Cantonese may also say 'lay go yeun hol seven!' which means you are very ugly! you also looks like the penis!
Also something to go along with the iDuck.
via neilgaiman.com
Are you counting down the days until the final "Friends" episode? Or perhaps you loathe the ubiquitous American sitcom. Whether you
The Toronto Subway Song
As Toronto celebrates the 50th anniversary of the TTC, which includes Canada's first subway system, sit back and enjoy this little ditty courtesy of the excellent CBC archives
For many Torontonians the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) is a part of our daily lives; taking the streetcar, bus or subway is second nature. Although the Toronto subway may not be the world's oldest nor the largest we definitely have something to be proud of: its seems to be the only one with a song...
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28 hours a day,
six days a week.
Dreampets Are Here.
Resistance Is Futile.
The Vandenbergh Carver
is essentially an aircraft cockpit on wheels - of which there are three, one at the front and two at the back, Reliant-Robin style.
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It takes ten D cel batteries.
They're making a big comeback
But they can be quite dangerous.
And man oh man do I want one
"Famous" LiveJournals.
Apparently, there's a whole mini-culture of people keeping LiveJournals, playing the parts of celebrities. Welcome to a strange world where Celine Dion complains that "it's actually pathetic when Mariah updates more than I do", and celebrities as varied as Tom Cruise ("if you haven't seen my new look for my new movie, let me warn you, it involves a grayish flat top and a little more bulk than I normally carry") and Fiona Apple ("ok ladies of Lilith, Sarah, Alanis and i have JUST finished creating the must_be_lilith community") list each other as friends.
A little creepy, but not enough to cover up the somewhat perverse entertainment value drawn from watching someone so involved in another person.