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January 10, 2004

US withdraws WMD Search team from Iraq
More Sappy Nostalgia From An Un-Examined Youth. But as a godless Yuppie adrift in a material world, is it so bad to seek solace in a personal history, no matter how puerile?
I can eat glass, it doesn't hurt me. The Project is based on the idea that people in a foreign country have an irresistable urge to try to say something in the indigenous tongue. In most cases, however, the best a person can do is "Where is the bathroom?" a phrase that marks them as a tourist. But, if one says "I can eat glass, it doesn't hurt me," you will be viewed as an insane native, and treated with dignity and respect.
Curious George: MoFirc? Why don't we have an irc channel?

January 09, 2004

Chess for an infinite number of monkeys. Daft but diverting time-waster for the weekend. (Note: shockwave)
Alzheimer's cause identified?
Two priceless newsfilter tidbits: One and Two both via that greatest of sources,Bifurcated Rivets
Ladies and gentleman, Confoti.
WMD Smoking Gun Here is the proof that Iraq had WMD. You can read the article here. Too bad that Colin Powell keeps putting his foot in his mouth.
One-Hundred-and-Eighty! I can
Paintings by contemporary surrealist Odd Nerdrum are enigmatic and intriguing.
Curious George: Is there a way to remove oxidation from automobile paint?
Signs of a domestic terror plot: The discovery of an arms cache in Texas, including the makings of a cyanide bomb capable of killing thousands of people, has led to three convictions but few answers about what it was intended for. more inside
To the Moon, Alice!
Now you too can track the economy! (swf)
Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful? 1950's Concept Spacecraft--so sleek, so dashing-- these babies fueled my adolescent dreams of exploration and adventure...
The art of Ted Tucker. @#$%! it up 24-7!!! A very talented young artist from Toronto. Getting some serious attention. Check links for more. Enjoy!
N.J. extends same-sex rights

January 08, 2004

Sabrina Happy; Me Scared The disturbing big-eye, small-mouth style of Japanese anime is a lifestyle choice for Sabrina Happy, a webcam "girl" who spends an awful lot of time tucking and smoothing during each live costume change.
Despite the rumours, Apple did not re-hire Anya Major when they revised the famous 1984 Macintosh spot to include an iPod. See for yourself. more inside
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