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October 29, 2004

Curious George: I need some help finding a sci-fi book from some vague details.
Your prognostication please: Making this more difficult, I realize that Karl Rove may be directing the placement car bombs near daycare centers in major cities of U.S. battleground states as I type this, but... more inside
A Squid's Revenge You have been warned.
How about a caption for this pic... more inside
Curious Monkey: All these polls by company "X" or "Y" used to measure where American voters have their hearts are all so available yet so invisible! my question: have any of you monkeys partaken on a poll, or have been asked by someone (besides us) what your leanings are? cuz I sure as hell haven't... (last post of the day, I promise!)
The Piri Reis Map. Perhaps the oldest accurate map of the Americas. Or not.

October 28, 2004

Poor planning, air strikes by coalition forces and a "climate of violence" have led to more than 100,000 extra deaths in Iraq, scientists say more inside
A flashback to the 80's. Now you can relive those days spent in the dark, neon abyss so dreaded by your parents. Only on a much smaller scale.
Cats are Democrats, Dogs are Republican
Images from a simpler time. Mid-century commercial art and retro design.
- the Economist's choice: a surprising endorsement from the conservative weekly
Blogger's head explodes. Something for all to watch out for in the coming days and weeks.
Preventing Outsourcing = RACISM!!! The writer of this article compares David Duke's well documented ongoing racism to John Edwards' stance that domestic jobs should not be outsourced to foreign countries (which would cause Americans to lose their jobs and sources of income which would instead go to people abroad who work for pennies against the dollar). Apparently Edwards' views are bigotry at its worst, and is the direct reason that this individual will vote for Bush.
Rolling Stone reviews Space War more inside
Photo Mosaic of GW Bush made with photos of the American Dead in Iraq. It's sort of shocking to see all the photos in one place like this, especially overlayed on the man who sent them to war.
Every cable news site should have a 'conspiracy theory' section! Get all the dirt on the latest middle eastern paranoia, through al-Jazeera's web site: Is Bush planning to attack Iran before the election? (62% say yes) Was Israel behind 9/11? (another 62% say yes) Was the US behind recent violence in Lebanon? (81% say no) Is Australia's PM suffering from an Aboriginal curse? (80% say yes) al-Jazeera, I love you.
SUPER PARROT to the rescue... in this real-life episode of Super Parrot we see how three full grown man were outsmarted by....SUUUUUUUUPER PARROT! (tho some may argue it was themselves) Honestly, which decent, self-respecting burglar actually FORGETS the Parrot?
Magic 8-Ball Dissection It seems that Magic 8-Ball toys were harmed in the production of the linked page, part of a larger unofficial site.
By now you've heard of the U2 Special Edition iPod but you may not know about the waaay cool Ashlee Simpson edition. more inside
Fainting goats, fun for the whole family!
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