July 27, 2005
Curious George: I'm hungry, dammit.
What's your favourite sandwich? I feel my sandwich-making skills are lacking.
Desperate George - What the hell happened to my mac?
I have a dual 2gig G5 with 1.5 gigs of RAM and two 250gig internal hard drives running 10.4. I was asked to bring it into work since my partner whom I work with doing video graphics for a television show had his laptop crash. He was using the dual G5 while I was using my iBook. Then suddenly the maching that he was working on started to speak announcing every click of the mouse, every keyboard stroke.
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July 26, 2005
Microsoft has a google-style map site too.
The only difference is that in Bill's world, Apple doesn't exist. Dun dun dunnnnnn...
Canadian feds investigating links between Viagara and blindness.
Whaddaya know -- your mother was right. You WILL go blind.
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Dance Dance Immolation
Straight outta Black Rock City!
When Microsoft Flight Simulator's not enough.
Some guys in L.A. built a 737 simulator in a home garage. Scroll from bottom to top on the updates page to watch three years of progress as panels, avionics, visual collimators, and other gadgets get added.
The kittens have returned.
Along with the Spongmonkeys. Joel Veitch's video for the song "I'm Gonna Flip Out Like A Ninja" by 7 Seconds of Love, containing a flashback through other familiar clips. Really... the only thing better than Viking Kittens must be Ninja Kittens. Appropriately silly flash, SFW. (via Screenhead.)
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I am the Walrus
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If you've been active in any of the political (or other) threads that attempt debate around here with varying degrees of success - perhaps this format is for you. via
Classical Midi Archives
is a repository of 34,000+ free classical MIDI files. It rocks, so to speak.
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World Jump Day
is less than a year away, and they don't have nearly enough people signed up yet!
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This Dream Dictionary
may help you work out what your dreams mean.
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Curious George:
Tell me something I don't know.
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Jihadi's guide to sneaking into Iraq
- a new guide posted on the net tells would-be terrorists the best way into the Land of Two Rivers. It establishes much of the truth of strategies used by jihadis in their mission to make Iraq a never-ending war for the US military and Iraqi civilians. "Indeed, dozens of the suicide bombers have been identified as having come from foreign countries -- most of them from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria -- and the number of foreign fighters in Iraq may number in the thousands."
Via Robot Wisdom
Elena Filatova update
You probably know Elena Filatova from her purported motorcycle trip, "Ghost Town", in the area around Chernobyl, Ukraine. You may know of her revisit and her follow up to that story, "Chernobyl - Land of the Wolves". But, she also has newer* entries online.
*It's hard to determine the chronology since most of the journaling is done sans date stamps.
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The Differences Slavery Made
A comparison of two communities near the Mason-Dixon Line "designed to isolate the role of slavery in shaping societies of similar location and histories", "an applied experiment in digital scholarship".
Perhaps the greatest disaster in the history of rocketry
occurred in 1960, at Baikonur Cosmodrome, during the test of a new ICBM, the R16, when the second stage accidentally ignited while sitting on the launch pad, rupturing the fuel tank of the 1st stage below it and causing a huge fireball that incinerated about 100 personnel who were on the launch pad. The Western world would not learn of this incident until James Oberg, an expert on the Soviet space program, pieced it together from various stories and rumors he heard coming out of the USSR in the early 80s. More here.
Images from Iceland
contains some nice pictures of Iceland
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