April 15, 2006
Curious George: Touchy Subject
Sorry for the bad pun, but me and some friends were talking about Skrik's earlier post...
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April 14, 2006
Smooth-E drops lyrics on the tasty treat with "the same flavour as the box it came in." Embedded video, via ABS.
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Steve Martin Interview
from May 2005, about his fiction writing. His short article on King Tut, Johnny Carson (really good) and his own site.
Steve R00lz
kept artists like Milton Avery and Jack Levine busy during the Depression, but did you know the program also featured a circus?
Everything I Know About Canada...
I Learned During The Commercials.
A collection of NFB Vignettes that taught a generation of Canadians about archetypal norsemen, hydraulic treeshears, birling, how to speak French without having to learn it, and more!
And a link to the Hinterland Who's Who archive, for a one-two combo of unbridled nostalgia!
April 13, 2006
Shonen Knife
In December, the Japanese group Shonen Knife will have been around for 25 years. Here's a nice writeup of their history. They also have a new album coming out.
Lego "Thieves".
An embedded video for the Ministry song (bad words make it NSFW). See a Lego mosh pit. See a huge robot thing rip off peoples' heads. See (for the first and only time anywhere) Al Jourgenson smile. Fast forward through the slow part in the middle.
Christmas Island Crabs
This short video (~3 mins) shows the migration of the Christmas Island Red Crabs, as they cross the island to . . umm. . spawn. Or have beaucoups de bebes or something. Fascinating footage for those of us on the topside of Ye Olde Earf, but not for the kabourophobic.
Question: What is wrong with this picture?
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Castration: North Carolina Style
Authorities say they performed castrations and other types of genital surgeries on at least six people. Detectives searching the home found bloody scalpels, syringes, and prosthetic testicles in a room the men referred to as "the dungeon." Officers confiscated a video camera apparently used to record the procedures, as well as scores of CDs and computer files. They also seized a Tupperware container from the kitchen freezer holding what appeared to be human testicles.
Tourist George:
I will be spending a few days on Vancouver soon, and ask local monkeys for tips on the city.
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Curious, George...new career?
I'm seriously considering leaving clinical medicine, but I want to find a career that still takes advantage of my strengths. These include communication, education, relationship building, and (given my surgical background) anything requiring a good deal of manual dexterity.
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April 12, 2006
Los Angeles meetup, anyone?
Right now, we're thinking Saturday, April 22 at Basix Cafe in West Hollywood.
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Youtube presents; Girls Tongues
*possibly NSFW*
Oldest Hominid Fossils Found
An international team including Tim White, of Berkeley, finds 4.1 million y.o. Au. anamensis fossils.
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Inside Guff on White House staff
from a low level insider, posted at Something Awful, & gaining some attention at Kos. Brilliant satire or truth? No idea, but it's fun anyway.
"Donald Rumsfeld needs to wear iced underwear ... He was recently getting uncontrollable long-term erections ... The underwear and the erections is why he uses a standing desk, not because he is some super-man. He also wears nylon stockings ... to control some vascular problem with his legs which causes him intense pain.
President Bush uses anti-depressant medication, a lot of it, at a stupendous dosage, and he is hiding it from the American public. This is the real reason he stopped drinking. Because of the dosage, he is also impotent."
Seen @ Screenhead.
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