November 10, 2006
Library and Archival Exhibits on the Web
"Explore the rich variety of topics, images, and materials featured in online exhibitions from libraries, archives, historical societies, and museums around the world."
Browse by country, institution or alphabetically.
Some recent additions.
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This is rubbish.
Wikipedia rejects.
or eunuchs are to be used by Indian tax authorities to collect debts.
The hiras can be pretty scary, and claim the power to curse or bless. Pictures.
Bus Stop Shelters in Ukraine
"Some are frescoed, some are etched, some are tiled mosaics -- all are beautiful. Most have fallen into a state of disrepair because the local governments can no longer afford to maintain them." via
This is what the Internets were invented for.
Brian Wilson 1966 Limited Edition Action Figure
(Svengali Shrink Action Figure sold separately)
Curious George: unscrupulous online seller.
Have you been stung by an internet purchase? Is there any hope of chasing this cyberwretch?
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November 09, 2006
Dr. Crippen is angry.
This British doctor chronicles how he feels the Labour government is destroying the National Heath Service, through mismanagement, incompentence, and short-sighted stupidity.
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A Cold Night In Workington.
A man seeks solace in the local bar. But No! A Pubwatch scheme has identified the man as a troublemaker. A lout! A common drunk-and-disorderly. What does one man have to do to get a beer in this lousy town?? That's right . . .
Fart Spray.
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The Secret of Bread Making.
Yes, indeed, here it is. Great bread without needing to knead. Or kneading to need. Whatever. Go nuts, you bread-baking monkeys. Or if you don't like nuts put some raisins in there. There is no rhyme or raisin when it comes to bread loooooooove. For those in a rush: the recipe.
Joseph "Le Petomane" Pujol, the Fartiste.
A 19th century Frenchman with "a gift that...[made] him the toast of Paris and one of the most popular and successful performers of his generation." View a clip from a recent film about him here, and a short film about him from 1979 (starring Leonard Rossiter) here.
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Text-speak on exams.
Scottish authorities OK answers written in text, 'as long as the basic idea is expressed.' Examiners in New Zealand may or may not, depending. Researchers at Coventry University say texting actually improves spelling skills.
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How to unblock a toilet
with Winona Ryder's plainer and less successful sister. Video thingy plays straight away. via
Gertie the Dinosaur.
{warning: long Google video}. An animated movie by Winsor Mccay, creator of Little Nemo.
More Mccay animations.
It's been a long time since I posted a FPP. Sorry if this is a repeat, or just not up to snuff.
Rumsfeld's Rules (.pdf)
In 1974, then-White House Chief of Staff Donald Rumsfeld compiled a handbook with advice for incoming White House staffers, which is still passed on to Washington newcomers of both parties. HTML link
Soup Heaven.
For lunch today, I had Pho the Vietnamese beef noodle soup that costs so little but is so, so good. Ask for the extra large, and you'll have a bathtub of soup. Ask for rare beef, well cooked beef, tripe, shank, beef balls (don't ask) or whatever variant suits you. The best!
November 08, 2006
Rumsfeld Resigning!
No more words are needed...