April 10, 2004

The Diana-Morrissey Phenomenon. more inside
The Hug That Never Ends Short fiction piece which seems like a build-up to some zombie scenario, but it's more disturbing than that. He's got more writing on his site, ranging from non-fiction to the most NSFW cheap porn. IMHO, none of the other pieces stand up to The Hug.
Free games! Three games that I've come across recently that you can play and download for free. You didn't want to get any work done today, did you? more inside
Pianographique Flash, slow if you're on on dialup and really fun. I found this while wandering through the links at Soundtoys.net
Heart of the Beast MayDay parade It
A mind for music.
And did those feet in ancient times? From todays Times :- Every time Jerusalem is sung, a legend is revived
100 faces of Arturo Brachetti, master of metamorphosis.
via mister pants
Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger MUSHROOM! MUSHROOM!
The World's Only Ass Kicking Machine
Spontaneous and Unexplained Fires. Despite CNN reporting this on April 1st, it appears to have some validity. Could this be part of the the Gay Apocalypse recently discussed on MeFi? Maybe it is The End of the World. via nielgaiman.com.
Robot Art. more inside
Battle of the Transformed Fish Check out all other works of Ken Rinaldo as well.

April 09, 2004

Screenshots. Twenty scenes from history and cinema, rendered creepily in isometric style. more inside
Decency Filter: Clearplay, RCA and WalMart are working together to clean up the movies you watch. This is an interesting circumvention of the problems Hollywood has been suing Clearplay for. [via /.] more inside
Keystone Cops When in doubt: throw the man who called 911 to the ground and shoot his dog.
IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!! - just listen to that MP3. It makes me love the weekend all over again.
Pennsylvania Church Whips Easter Bunny. Melissa Salzmann, who brought her 4-year-old son J.T., said the program was inappropriate for young children. "He was crying and asking me why the bunny was being whipped," Salzmann said.
House Gymnastics: "Step-by-Step" guides for walking on the ceiling. (Previously seen on the internet: Freestyle Wheelbarrowing and Freestyle Walking).
Uncle Krinkley's Incorrectly Sifted Music - Findings from the poopiest music this planet has to offer, as presented by the Incorrect Music radio program, broadcast on WFMU, NJ. I recommend the Mormon Kids, Carl Lewis singing the Star Spangled Banner, and any Leonard Nimoy track.
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