February 03, 2005
Time for a singalong!
Please, try to keep up.
January 18, 2005
Is copyright killing culture?
Some documentarians certainly think so.
January 17, 2005
December 21, 2004
Meet the Beastles
- Before they get ye old C&D letter.
December 17, 2004
December 13, 2004
A2/Detroit MoFi Meetup
This Saturday, Dec 18th, starting at 2pm at the Arbor Brewing Company.
more inside
December 09, 2004
December 08, 2004
November 30, 2004
Drum Lessons
- Lesson #1: How to play Rock and Roll rhythm. (.wmv)
November 23, 2004
Rat Out a Church.org
- Know of a church that uses the pulpit to spew radical politics? Tired of going to church only to hear a priest tell you how to vote?
Rat 'em out!
November 17, 2004
Dad's Home!
November 16, 2004
Security in Darfur, Sudan a "Farce,"
according to Amnesty International. "Three or four rounds of negotiations have not resulted in an agreement that worked, so why should this time be any different?"
70,000 deaths since March. When will and what should the world do about Darfur, Sudan?
November 10, 2004
Uranus is well lubricated.
There's bound to be
more inside
November 09, 2004
Japan is an anagram for "Nap, Ja?"
Tired of politics? of working? of ennui? of monkeys flinging poo?
You ain't got nothing on Japanese business men. Who needs a bed when you have asphalt?
November 08, 2004
Curious George: Detriot Metro Area Meetup?
I've noticed that there are a number of people in the Detroit/Ann Arbor area. Meetup anyone?
more inside
October 28, 2004
October 27, 2004
October 26, 2004
Hell Hath Frozen Over
- Get your cognitive dissonance on.
October 22, 2004
Circuits discover... each other
(May not be safe for work unless you have rubber shoes on)
October 20, 2004
"And I warned him about this war.
I had deep misgivings about this war, deep misgivings. And I was trying to say, 'Mr. President, you had better prepare the American people for casualties.' "
Robertson said the president then told him, "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties."