October 20, 2004
Administration is Suppressing CIA 9/11 Report that Names Names:
"The agency directorate is basically sitting on the report until after the election. . ."
October 16, 2004
Mississippi Reservists in Iraq Arrested for Refusal of Suicide Mission
_ All related from Google News. "When my husband refuses to follow an order, it has to be something major." <via MeFi discussion>
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October 14, 2004
Say it with bleach
. My artistic daughters are going to go nuts over this.
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October 13, 2004
Posting and You...
(a great Flash™ movie that should be mandatory viewing for each newly-approved Monkey and a few of the others).
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October 12, 2004
If you were confused by Bush's reference to "Dred Scott" (a 148 yr. old Supreme Court decision)...
when he was asked about his criteria for Supreme Court nominees in the last debate, you will be interested to know (as I was) that it is Religious Right code for "Roe v Wade". <Explanation via Slate>
October 07, 2004
What to get for a bedridden coworker
A coworker will be bedridden for 6 weeks after having a couple of vertebrae fused. We are putting together a package of things to help her spend her time. I'm at a bit of a loss. Anybody been there or have suggestions? TIA
George Bush's Resumé, with sources
By a guy who says he supported him in 2000. His explanation for writing the resumé is here: The Forward and also a print version
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October 06, 2004
October 05, 2004
William Shatner: Has Been
(WARNING: web site plays sound) A new album by William Shatner? Easy to take pot shots, but I enjoyed what I heard here.
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September 28, 2004
September 27, 2004
Web Hosting: Reseller Account
Curious George: Web Hosting, RESELLER Account. The earlier question on buying domains made me decide to ask fellow monkeys about recommendations for hosts with good deals in reseller accounts...
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September 21, 2004
September 16, 2004
Fold an ordinary sheet of paper in half 100 times and it is a thick as the approximate radius of the known universe.
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September 10, 2004
i'M iMpressed
Steve Jobs' companies (Apple and Pixar) place 1st and 3rd as Senior Executives name the greatest iNovators of Past 75 Years in a BusinessWeek survey.
"...Microsoft, fell short to Steve Jobs' Apple as the most innovative company (32 percent and 35 percent, respectively). Pixar, where Jobs is also president, came in a close third at 31 percent."
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September 09, 2004
I thought The Onion was supposed to FUNNY
not prophetic. It is truly amazing to review how much they got right-on-the-head (Jan. 18, 2001).
Who says you can't make stuff like this up?
August 31, 2004
Why haven't they retired?
Four years ago, the U.S. elections were said to be about much more than choosing a President. They were to be about choosing one, two, or possible even three new Supreme Court justices. Much was speculated about retirements once Republicans took full control of Congress.
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August 27, 2004
Doctors grow new jaw in man's back
The headline creeped me out, but this is amazing stuff.
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August 20, 2004
Fans of file-sharing have been handed a significant victory by a US court.
US Appeals Court ruling goes against the RIAA and MPAA, saying P2P software makers are not responsible for the data transferred over their networks.
Curious George: A JANUARY holiday in England?
UK monkeys (and others who have visited) what would you recommend?
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