June 29, 2004

Videos Abdullah at the firing range is a classic. So is the breast bash. Some of these videos are not very nice, though (you are warned: some are sickening), and one in particular should not be viewed by kitty-loving monkeys. (I'm serious: it shows the slaughtering of a kitten.)

June 25, 2004

Blackjack A description, history, and recommended strategy of one of the simplest card games in the casino.

June 19, 2004

Bunny bunny, bunny, bunny, WHOOPS, bunny, WHOOPS, bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny.

June 17, 2004

Dead cat, dead dog, dead horse, dead Homer, dead fish, dead fly, dead aeroplane, dead tree, dead baby, dead silence. (All SFW.)

June 14, 2004

Disastrous? The European election thing didn't turn out the numbers of voters the men-in-grey-suits wanted. They called the election a disaster. No, what's disastrous is that people don't feel that voting will influence anything. What's disastrous is the fact that many people consider their nominal representatives non-representative. What's disastrous is the failure of a pan-European democracy. Sorry 'bout the News-filter. Wanna buy a hole on the Intarweb? A wedding dress?
Pen Pr0n

June 13, 2004

Cloak of Invisibility
One saved Harry Potter from many tight scrapes, and in the film Die Another Day the technology provided James Bond with the ultimate escape vehicle, an invisible car.
Pictures from the inventor's homepage. This hasn't been picked up by Slashdot yet.

June 09, 2004

Bollocks , bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, bollocks. Thank you, and good night.

June 08, 2004

Happy Medard day A hearty man, by all accounts. "Legend has it that if it rains on his feast day, the next 40 days will be wet; if the weather is good, the next 40 will be fine as well."

June 03, 2004

Ban the Internet
"She wrote something bad about my appearance several times on the Net a few days before the incident. I didn't like that, so I called her (to a study room) and slashed her neck after getting her to sit on a chair," the Yomiuri Shimbun quoted Mitarai's killer, 11, as telling police sources.
My God! No one told me this was so dangerous.

June 02, 2004

What does it feel like to get shot? It's better to read about it here than experience it Out There.
Never too late to learn copyright law The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter rang up Ray Bradbury, to find out what he thought of Michael Moore's Film, Fahrenheit 9/11. more inside

May 28, 2004

Who is Rance? "Rance" claims to be an A-list Hollywood celebrity. But who is it? more inside

May 25, 2004

Tanks for Sale Thinking of buying a new car? Don't. Get a T72 tank, a OT810 halftrack, or even a Vzor 77 DANA self-propelled gun.

May 24, 2004

The World Stephen Glover, one of the three founders of the British newspaper, the Independent is planning on starting The World, 'an "upmarket" daily devoted as much to good writing as to making sure that stories about celebrities and furry animals do not make headlines'. more inside

May 23, 2004

Bush takes a Fall Michael Moore, on accepting the Palme d'Or from Cannes for his film "Fahrenheit 9/11", said of Dubya that he hoped "nobody tells him that I have won this award while he is eating a pretzel." No worries, Michael: he was riding his bike.

May 22, 2004

Fontastic! If you're like me, you have long wanted to be able to make your own fonts. Now you can. Open source. Free. It's Christmas!

May 21, 2004

Holy Grail Vandals? Here's the beginning of a conspiricy theory: Could the reason "A gang of youths climbed on top of The Shepherd's Monument at Shugborough Hall and smashed ornamental sea shells at about 1500 BST on Tuesday" be linked to the fact that "Experts were called in recently to examine an inscription on the 250-year-old monument rumoured to reveal the location of the Holy Grail"? If so, then who were the vandals? The Knights Templar?

May 19, 2004

The Cruelty of British Kids If you're from the UK, and of an age, you will almost certainly have called someone - or have been called - a "Joey", a "Deacon", or suchlike. Now there's an irreverent tribute to the man himself, complete with pictures of people who really should have grown up to recognise that they were nasty, not funny.

May 18, 2004

Taleban USA From this side of the pond (Europe), this story appears too far-fetched. Someone tell me it's a hoax. Show me how gullible I am.
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