December 29, 2004

Historian of Things That Never Were - Edgar Governo is the keeper of chronologies for unreality. Links to timelines for Star Trek, Dr. Who, Tarzan, Twin Peaks, Red Dwarf, Star Wars, 2001, Wold Newton, Dune, DC, Marvel & lots of others. Geek me out. seen at The Presurfer
The Art of War by Sun Tzu - and in another form with commentary & annotation by Lionel Giles in the same text. Brought to you by the Nostrildamus bookmark cleaning club

December 28, 2004

Modern Ruins Photographic Essays - Images of ruins, broken places, old industrial areas, haunting halls, forts & the like.

December 27, 2004

The worst, most disgusting action figures, ever - please don't click this link. These are the most foul, awful Anime resin assembly figures ever created. It's Plastic Jap Scat, folks. Gross, weird, but undeniably .. uh.. superlatives escape me. Definitely NSFW, not safe for kids, not safe for the easily offended. Not safe for BlueHorse. more inside

December 26, 2004

The Speechalist - Four minute sketch featuring the language genius who masterminds Chimpy McAwol's verbal gaffes. The genius is played by Andy Dick. Chimpy McAwol played by a moron. 22.1 MB Windows Media version From Comedy Central. 13.3 MB Divx Avi version hosted by Humour. SFW. Requires humour gland, windows media stuff, & tolerance for Dick. more inside

December 23, 2004

Pulp Xmas - Ok, I'm probly gonna blow it here, but, fuck, I thought this was funny. Stole it from Boing Boing, which I hate usually because it is an assholish wankety shit-suck-me blog of ego heads with zero talent, but I still thought it funny aside from the poorly dubbed soundtrack. A mash up of Rankin-Bass Rudolf shit avec Pulp Fiction. It requires Quicktime y'all more inside

December 22, 2004

Pubic Stencils - Yes, I wrote Pubic Stencils. more inside
I want to work for Huh?® - "Our main consulting strategy is to convince clients that we do stuff they can't do themselves, and that we deserve lots of money for it. The best way to do this is to always look good, and always sound like we know something you don't. Because we do. Our CEO is rarely in his office, and all female team members are expected to sleep with him, or at least pretend like they want to. Our designers ride Razor scooters around the office, while wearing mail-bag style backpacks to hold their iPods." Via Bifurcated Rivets

December 21, 2004

Happy Frank Zappa's Birthday - All this talk of Zappa reminded me, he was born this day in 1940. Happa Zappa Day. Tis the season to be jello.

December 20, 2004

Frank Zappa references on Mystery Science Theater 3000 - definitive list of references to Uncle Frank on MST3K.

December 18, 2004

Evil Nine - "Crooked" - FLASH Via Screenhead

December 17, 2004

Victor Yushchenko was NOT poisoned - he's an alcoholic. In an earlier MoFi post we discussed the claim by the Vienna clinic that Yuschenko was 'definitely poisoned'. Facts: There has never been a case of death from dioxin poisoning, ever. Dioxin is not water soluble, & would be readily observable by sight & smell. Yuschenko wants to delay the investigation in case it 'affects the election' - it already has affected the election! The Austrian clinic's 'definitive' conclusion of poisoning was released by the administrative head of the clinic, not the actual chief medical officer - who was forced to resign due to his criticism of the 'poisoning' idea. Fat soluble dioxin would be absorbed by many of the organs, including liver - yet Yuschenko's dioxin levels have apparently "returned to normal" & there are no traces of it in his liver or pancreas. This is totally impossible. More reasons in the linked articles within. more inside

December 16, 2004

Hmm.. I wonder if I need to wear a jacket, today? - If only there were some handy dandy web helper thingy to help me work this out.
1930s-90s Sherlock Holmes Radio Play MP3s - awesome archive of Sherlock Holmes plays broadcast on radio from the 30s til (just about) the present, with actors such as John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson, Basil Rathbone & even Orson Welles. Classic stuff. Via Nerdfilter & Boing Boing.

December 14, 2004

Tramp O Claus - it's FLASH, it's rude, & it's very funny. WARNING: contains bad words. - do you like gods? So do me! This is a guide to pantheons, mythologicals, deities & religions of the world. Plus, it has an oracle! (guess what I asked it) If you like that, you may also enjoy God of the Month Club. This month's god is Juturna. She got back, yo. Via Cynical-C.

December 13, 2004

Watch the Monkey DISSOLVE - a QUICKTIME movie of a monkey carcass rotting, er, well, stripped of it's compenent parts, and sort of tumbling away. Don't worry, it's not that horrible. Obviously you will need Quicktime to watch this. Duh. more inside

December 12, 2004

A Little Perspective on $191 billion for Bush - One dollar is roughly 6 inches long, and 2.5 inches wide. It's about as thick as a regular piece of paper. Now imagine a stack of dollars 500 feet long, 100 feet tall, and 125 feet wide.

December 11, 2004

Tim Burton's Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - teaser - Our first look, I guess. I don't see how anybody could do better than Gene Wilder's manic, slightly disturbing performance as Wonka, but Burton certainly has the sensibilities to do more justice to the story. I suppose one can't have the best of both worlds. But this actually looks.. intriguing. Via Boing Boing more inside

December 10, 2004

The Robert Crumb Museum - If you don't know who R. Crumb is, then you've never read underground comix, never heard of Fritz the Cat, Mr Natural, The Amazon, nor will you keep on truckin'. I have, and do. Here's some more stuff. A lot of Crumb's work is NSFW in any shape or form!
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