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June 27, 2007

The CIA's "Family Jewels" document was released to the National Security Archive yesterday, 15 years after the Archive filed a Freedom of Information request for the documents. The document consists of almost 700 pages of responses from CIA employees to a 1973 directive from Director of Central Intelligence James Schlesinger asking them to report activities they thought might be inconsistent with the Agency's charter. more inside
On baby names. Parents are feeling intense pressure to pick names that set their kids apart. Some are even hiring consultants. The Wall Street Journal on the art of 'branding' your newborn.

June 26, 2007

Giant penguins. GRR!
The Dramatic Chipmunk - (which is in fact a Prairie Dog, itself not a dog but a rodent). YouTube clip, 5 sec, AUDIO required(!), SFW. I cannot believe this hasn't been posted... more inside
60 years of UFOs. I particularly enjoyed the Project Serpo reference; I'd never heard of it before.
Incarcerex: It's Time for a New Bottom Line. [As requested, via MeFi.]

June 25, 2007

The challenge of being a heterodox economist. After grabbing a free drink in the Friedman reception, I strike up a conversation with economist Michael Perelman in the hallway... Perelman, who is there for the EPI reception, works at the margins of the discipline; he is one of a few hundred self-described "heterodox" economists at the conference. His last book, Railroading Economics, was about the creation of the "free market mythology"... I ask him about how he relates to the so-called mainstream of his profession. "It's a mafia," he says quietly, his eyes roving over to the suits spilling out of the Freedom to Choose room. more inside
Fundamental physics in 2010 (low-quality flash video): a talk by notable theoretical physicist Nima Arkani-Hamed, professor at Harvard, as delivered to the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in February 2007. He gives a great introduction to the status and crises in the Standard Model of Particles and Interactions, together with his impression of how the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) with its unprecedented ability to make observations in the 10-19m range will change the model. The talk should be accessible to a general audience.
You are all monkeysig. more inside
B.C. Legislature murals to come down. Last April, B.C. MLAs voted to remove murals from the Legislature, on the basis that the depictions of the First Nations were inaccurate and offensive (the murals, painted in the 30s, show aboriginals as subservient and inferior, and take a casual approach to representations of their culture). The debate continues -- is the removal tokenism, a whitewash of history, or simply a just correction?
Academic Freedom
US university students will not be able to work late at the campus, travel abroad, show interest in their colleagues' work, have friends outside the United States, engage in independent research, or make extra money without the prior consent of the authorities, according to a set of guidelines (pdf) given to administrators by the FBI.
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Dice Wars is an obsessively playable flash game that feels a bit like Risk. I started playing it months ago and I'll still give it a quick game before bed.

June 24, 2007

Vague online profiles helps dating chances ... so suggests Psychology Today. Finally, a scientific justification for lying on your Match.com profiles.
The Ancient Standard. From King Tut's taste in wine to ancient pornography.
Metrosexual tarot carts. What does your future hold? And will that afghan go with that new lamp?
Everybody Likes Sandwiches

June 23, 2007

In NYC tonight? Come see the first show I've ever produced! Woulda posted earlier, but didn't wanna be a self-promotin' monkey. Now, it's close enough to time I suppose. More info inside. more inside

June 22, 2007

First-born children 2.3 IQ points smarter, says totally dumb and bogus study. So, older siblings in denial of the obvious, and much cooler, popular, smartser younger siblings -- FIGHT!!!
13 minutes (not wasted) with Tom Lehrer. Doesn't include "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park" or "The Masochism Tango" but still a video to cherish - a genius - even makes maths sound like fun.

June 21, 2007

Nothing could put this guy off his stroke. Man insists on continuing to pleasure himself despite getting stabbed. SFW.
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