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July 11, 2007
Favorite Accoustic bar/cafe?
Hey Monkeys! So it's mid-july already, which means it's time for musicians such as myself to start booking October and later. Which, as it turns out, is when I plan to begin my 2nd annual winter music tour.
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Curious George: I'm Loosing My Mind!
Is it just me or is "loose" quickly replacing "lose" as the preferred spelling of the verb meaning "to be deprived of, or to cease to have or retain (something)"?
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Parallel Universes, Alien Religions and Carl Jung:
An Interview With RealityCarnival's Clifford Pickover.
Jack Handey's nature documentary.
Show monkey in a tree. Narrator says, “The monkey, proud and smart, in his native habitat. But one thing he does not have . . .” Show a giraffe. “. . . is a long neck, like the giraffe. Which is why nature has allowed them to combine forces.” Show monkey on giraffe’s neck. (Note: Monkey may have to be tied on.)
July 10, 2007
Desktop Tower Defense!
OMG! Little... things... are invading your desktop! How can you defend yourself? The answer is towers!
Flash Tuesday.
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Williams syndrome.
The low I.Q., however, ignores two traits that define Williams more distinctly than do its deficits: an exuberant gregariousness and near-normal language skills. Williams people talk a lot, and they talk with pretty much anyone. They appear to truly lack social fear. Indeed, functional brain scans have shown that the brain’s main fear processor, the amygdala, which in most of us shows heightened activity when we see angry or worried faces, shows no reaction when a person with Williams views such faces. It’s as if they see all faces as friendly. (From the NYT Magazine.) (Be sure to check out the embedded video.)
Curious birthday George
Tracicle's birthday is July 27.
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July 09, 2007
Biggest Bottom Evar
I just gotta have more bass!
YouTube video.via.
Exhibition of William Heath Robinson cartoons.
Rube Goldberg has been covered here, and has inspired many people to create their own versions for fun and profit. Games have been inspired by him, and games have been used to create virtual Rube Goldberg machines.
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Wireless Taser
- coming soon to a protest near you.
The Retro Encabulator
or the Turbo Encabulator
Order one today.
For all your various Encabulator needs.
HBO Voyeur - what sordid secrets lurk behind closed doors?
(Some bits may be NSFW if you have a huge fresnel lens on your monitor.) Via Ample Sanity.
Curious George:
Sooo, is there anyway I could play a song thru YouTube and record it somehow on my hard drive? I'm trying to learn the words and hold the key. I'm not trying to rip anybody off, but this piece is right for my (bad) voice. I can't carry a tune, but I haz a buckit!
July 08, 2007
“Founding + Fathers + Roleplay + Harness”
yes I know GareP has been posted before, but it was years and years ago, and not very much on the internet ABOUT the internet makes me laugh out loud anymore (except those proposals of life-in-prison for file sharing) but this did
The 7 Wonders of the modern World have been chosen
A private intitiative by the New7Wonders Foundation has encouraged the public to vote on the successors to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Colossus of Rhodes. Next up, the New7Wonders of Nature!
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Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation.
...a 100-minute shot-for-shot amateur-video remake of the 1981 Spielberg-Lucas adventure flick, created over a span of seven years by a group of kids in small-town Reagan-era Mississippi...Filled with ingenious contraptions and overweening jerry-rigs, The Adaptation remakes Raiders on less than 1/2,000th of Paramount's original $20 million budget, conjuring exotic locales out of cardboard sets in parents' basements, casting tweens in Boy Scout uniforms as Nazi bad guys, and rolling a gigantic hand-crafted boulder through the family garage to create the film's signature scene. See footage here.
This "Chap" is just "maaahrrvellous", in the best possible taste of course. Any links featured will lead you to the best laugh for the day.