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October 22, 2006

game evolution
Marmaduke Explained. Never again scratch your head in bewilderment as the nuanced subtleties of Brad Anderson's daily cartoon escape you.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year. The winners, a sifaka, some penguins, a seal, a baby gorilla.
Pumpcompkin? Compumputer? more inside
Australian tourism to the USA to hit new all time low.

October 21, 2006

Dying to Get Big: The nightmare world of bigorexia. more inside
Life's Greatest Inventions Of course, given that the article is six weeks old, it's possible that other great life-preserving inventions/discoveries have been made since, rendering this Top Ten list obsolete. more inside
Urinetown: The Musical! The show is meant to be a comedy, featuring satire of the corporate world, sight gags, parodies of musical theatre conventions in general and Les Misérables in particular, and jokes that poke fun at the show itself (including the unattractive title). more inside

October 20, 2006

Curwee-wee-us George I am confused about this new obsession/toilet fetish. more inside
Knicker Vicar to the Rescue Concerned clergyman bravely confronts New Zealand's chronic underwear shortage. more inside
Splice (make music online)
Line Rider Draw a line, hit "play", watch the sled guy ride it. Simple. Friday. Flash. Fun. Wheeeeeeee!
The Dark Side of Tufty the Road Safety Squirrel. Because it's time to move ON, people! via
Libraries as pr0n for book-lovers. I imagine some of these libraries feature urinals... Ooh, yeah baby, show it to me, baby, show it all to me. You know what Daddy likes.
Point WC, l'escale bien-ĂȘtre (the well-being rest stop) Luxury public toilets. The main website (in French). more inside
Urina Hurry? No pot to piss in? Use a portable urinal. Could be useful in Turkmenistan.
When the gods drank urine. A Tibetan myth may help solve the riddle of soma, sacred drug of ancient India.
Piss Off
Maca denies wife pot in which to piss. The Evening Standard reports Mills filed a 13-page petition with the court in London, alleging, among other things, that McCartney "would not let her have an antique bedpan under their bed to save her crawling to the bathroom at night."
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