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November 16, 2006

White New Zealanders, have you ever stopped to ask yourself "Who am I?", "What is my identity?", "What defines who I am?", "What words and symbols do I feel comfortable associating with myself?". For White New Zealanders, those can be hard questions to answer sometimes. What is the basis of our identity? What does "Pakeha" mean? Does it just mean "White person living in New Zealand"? Anything else? Anything special about that anyway? What symbols do we have? What do we call ourselves?
Friedman Is Dead @ 94 Both a Revolutionary Economist and a Libertarian Campaginer, he advocated the decriminalzation of prostituion and drugs. He also worked towards the cessation of the draft in the 1970's more inside
Comics I Don't Understand - a site trying to figure out the funny. Look here for responses to strips people didn't "get".
Curious George: Why is my energy so fickle? My gas tank is empty, and I don't know why. more inside
Necro-Beastiality in the News A man is accused of having sex with the carcass of a deer that he found lying beside the road – but his lawyer denies that he committed bestiality, on the grounds that a dead deer isn't an animal any more. And while on the topic of neco-beastiality: http://www.metro.co.uk/weird/article.html?in_article_id=22746&in_page_id=2
The view from your window
RIP VHS 1976-2006
Girls read comics (and they're pissed). Someone's working on improving female depictions in comic books. Hoo-bloody-ray!
It’s all one big happy circle of misogyny! Feminist criticism and activism seeks to break the cycle, raise awareness, and promote the idea that human females are real people, not f**kholes and baby machines. This extends to their fictional representation in anything, including comics.
Karen Healey is the "shrill harpy" who is working to change the industry.
Curious George: The Dish that Passeth Understanding What does everybody know you're bringing this year? more inside

November 15, 2006

Aging: These days, we're bigger, smarter, and living longer. Aging isn't just about your genes. It's also about things like diet. And as the cliche goes, You're only as old as you think you are. Take a quiz to determine your life expectancy. If you're unhappy with the result, get some tips from 100-year-olds on how to live longer.
Conservation: Technology would heat mansion using energy from waste pipes How many toilet flushes does it take to power a light bulb? Salt Lake City is embarking on a pilot project that would heat and cool a private business by using water warmed and chilled by a sewer line.
My Half-Year of Hell With Christian Fundamentalists. So, you're a Polish exchange student. Here's what greets you when you step off the plane: 'Child, our Lord sent you half-way around the world to bring you to us.'
RIP ODB Russell Tyrone Jones (November 15, 1968 – November 13, 2004). It would be his Birthday today. more inside
New Island in Tonga as seen by satellite. Also seen at sea level by a passing yacht. more inside
UC Berkeley Study Finds Web only 1% Pronography more inside
If I did it, here's how it happened Look who can't stop himself bragging.
Real life sentry gun robot. (With video). Just like in Aliens! (YouTube). more inside
Combat colouring book for Chinese kids. Lots of young'uns still like to play war, but do they really need to learn how to draw a silenced handgun or a mobile rocket array? Full Flickr set
Wha... Hippies asking interesting questions? I googled "nunc fluens" (which is not yet on Dictionary.com or Wiktionary.com because it is from... some... old... language... French?), and this led me to weirdness galore. more inside
Curi-ouch! George Previously Experienced Wrecked Monkeys Wanted more inside
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