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December 02, 2006

Sugar baby love Nicely done short animation promoting safe sex by telling the story of a young man's discovery of his sexuality (thus not surprisingly NSFW. Embedded QuickTime)
Who are these old farts singing "My Generation"? Warning: AOL, annoying advert, embarassing baby boomer content.
Onions and Garlic. Really effective for repelling mosquitoes too. And for women, eat heartily and breathe heavily in the direction of the pestilent blokes at your office or work place. Maahhrvellous sexist repellent. Bram Stoker noticed it's effect on Vampyres. Hmmm, maybe inspired by his own reactions to one or two personal experiences?

December 01, 2006

Speedbandits.dk A unique approach to solving the everyday problem of speeding motorists. NSFW, contains embedded Flash! You're welcome. Happy Friday. Oh, and via SexistJerkFi more inside
Museum of English Rural Life Some decent text about and old pictures of rural industries like bodging and charcoal burning, country people, landscapes, and buildings and plenty more. more inside
Keep 'em on! Canadian survey probes the crucial matter of sock-wearing during sex. "We've discovered that 72% of Canadians don't find socks sexy". But by god we leave our shoes at the door! more inside
The Webtender will create a cocktail from the dregs of your drinks cabinet. He'll even tell you how drunk you are. more inside
Podcast: Penn Jillette's Monkey Tuesday, 11/28/06 Monkey Tuesday, a regular feature on Penn Jillette's radio show. This one contains a discussion regarding an ad, "Who Else Wants a Monkey? Free cage, free collar..."
Paternoster Lifts Something wendell said in my thread about pneumatic tubes reminded me of something I heard the other day on Czech radio (don't ask) which was a little story about Paternosters! more inside
Lyle Gomes' photos have the strange ability to relax even the most tired minds.
How to write good sex scenes. As counterpoint to Wendell's post, via this thread on Making Light, is this series on good sex scene writing. more inside
London Mail Rail: 75 years of underground letters. more inside
Curious George: Word Play I have a type of word game in mind, but don't know what it's called. Hope me, hive mind. more inside
Respect. Respect. Respect. Just a little bit?
This year's winner of the Literary Review Bad Sex Award: "...we're lost in a commotion of grunts and squeaks, flashing unconnected images and explosions of a million little particles." Uh, yeah. The competition this year was, uh, "stiff", according to The Guardian, and "unstoppably on", according to The Independent. Well timed for the end of NaNoWriMo, which really should provide some of next year's contenders.

November 30, 2006

Musicovery - a fun radio thingy that lets you explore related songs by genre, year, mood, tempo, etc. Free in Lo-Fi version. Good-gawd - hunh! Via.
Yukon meteorite contains conditions for supporting life. Unlike the rest of the Yukon. [Original finding-story here, with itsy-bitsy video.]
Yellow skivvy passes on Yellow Wiggle Greg Page quits due to orthostatic intolerance. The new yellow Wiggle is Sam Moran.
The Primate Freedom Project scored a big surprise win the other day in their efforts to build the National Primate Research Exhibition Hall in Madison, Winconsin. Sandwiched tightly between the historic and infamous Harry F. Harlow Primate Psychology building and the National Institutes of Health's flagship vivisection lab, the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, the Exhibition Hall's permanent presence and clear voice will be impossible to ignore.
How to Calculate Pi by Throwing Frozen Hot Dogs Sadly, bananas do not work (see last note).
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