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October 17, 2005
Flu Wiki
- A Wiki devoted to "help local communities prepare for and perhaps cope with a possible influenza pandemic."
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Curious George: Zombie Nookie Bandit.
I'm sure this has happened to people other than me. And it's been mentioned here before...
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I can see the music!
Oh sure, you may say you've got golden ears. But can you tell whst the music is by looking at the grooves?
Figgerin' it out
Is your motivation and who you are in the numbers of your name? .. Find your b'day meaning too.
DNS, Whois and other thought provoking stuff also on the site.
Almost six years later...
let's review Y2K [wiki] paranoia, just for fun. Besides, you never know when the next disaster will strike. Of course, some people are a little more paranoid than others, while others expected to profit.
Remember those Buddhas the Taliban blew up in 2001?
A swiss dude called Paul Bucherer has a plan to rebuild the Buddhas of Bamiyan and has already raised over 1 million pounds to this end. The Buddhas, over 2000 years old, are said to have been built by craftsmen who came to the region with Alexander the great, and were an important Buddhist pilgrimage site when Genghis Khan conquered asia.
Curious, George:
What would your super power be?
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October 16, 2005
Daws Butler - Voice Magician
Voice of Elroy Jetson, Huckleberry Hound, Quickdraw McGraw, Yogi Bear, Cap'n Crunch, Snagglepuss and more. Link goes to the official Daws Butler website. "Exit, stage right."
For the 'Modern Gentleman'
Observe the Latest Issue for "Fop Idol" .. and "Seduction and Doffing" as a song title rivets my gog. As in, "one is all agog, egad!"
Fountain phoon.
Mountain phoon. Underwater phoon with an aqualung. Phoon in an underground cave. Village Chief phoon. Omo Masalai skeleton dance phoon. Military phoon. French phoon. Naboo phoon. Moon phoon! Goddam penguin phoon. Halloween phoon. More phoons than you can shake a stick at. Uh, what the hell is a phoon?
is a web based pop-up dictionary for Japanese, Chinese, Korean and other languages.
Read foreign language web sites with pop-up hints by moving the mouse over words you want to lookup!
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October 15, 2005
Curious George: Make me a MOUNTAIN MAN!
Help me find the coat that got away.
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MoFi Frapper Group
Kind of like the MonkeyMap located at the wiki, but powered by Google Maps. Inspired by this thread on MetaTalk. Go ahead, add yourself. You know you want to.
Can your shopping list reveal your personality?
This collector "[spouts] on about the possible personality of the person who wrote each list. I'm quite harsh at times, at others I feel a pang of compassion. Sometimes I just don't know what items are."
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Paper-Thin TV Screens
"Cheap, paper-thin TV screens that can be used in newspapers and magazines have been unveiled by German electronics giant Siemens."
Very cool!
Mickey Mouse tackles suicide
among other topics including adultery and pedophilia, in a series of 15 comic strrips. Old, but worth a look if you've never seen it.
October 14, 2005
I am Librarian, Hear me roar!
In which a Librarian uses Library Skills to put the SmackDown on a Junk Faxer, and comes away with a Cessna. via kottke
Dignity in USA
Dignity Village.
A 'front line' in the reality of America.
They are what they say they are, and get it done.
Check out JACK TAFARI's stuff.