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June 28, 2004

Why Freeganism?
Mad Magazine's long running cartoon series Spy vs. Spy is now helping Mountain Dew shill soda with two new spots. [Via Waxy]
A Global Power Shift in the Making. "Asia is rising fast, with its growing economic power translating into political and military strength. The West must adapt -- or be left behind." more inside

June 27, 2004

Your All Gay. (Meerkats. Found via blort. The apostrophe issue is addressed.)
David Lee Roth's new career: emergency medical technician.
Lincoln Park Zoo Apes Get to Take Revenge "At the zoo's new Regenstein Center for African Apes, chimpanzees can touch a panel hidden from public view that will shoot harmless bursts of air at unsuspecting visitors." [Via Fark.]
The Revolution Will Not Be Blogged. George Packer, writing in Mother Jones, argues that blogs are ineffective vehicles for political discourse. This appears to be a rebuttal to Lev Grossman's pro-blog article in Time Magazine: Meet Joe Blog. (MeFi link.)
How to pick a lock...in case you were wondering. [.pdf file]
"The Boys"
"In 1997, Predator helped set up Catalyst, a radical community activist tech collective in Sydney, Australia. He also wrote a 230 page weblog on his experience with cancer from the time he was diagnosed until three days before his death. His blog portrays a poignant story which documents thoroughly the ups and downs, the triumphs and turmoil of everyday life in this, our battle for a better world." more inside
Electronik - Supersonik! Inside tank of fuel is not fuel...is love. more inside
George W. Bush's web site is running a campaign ad that compares Kerry to Hitler. When one watchs the ad, though, one finds that the Hitler excerpts are actually from Moveon.org ads. more inside
80's nostalgia Colouring for KIDS HUGE assortment of Coloring book-type stuff for KIDS!!! Some are NOT safe for kids...LOL more inside
FAHRENHEIT 9/11 BOFFO B.O.!!! FAHRENHEIT 9/11 tops WHITE GIRLS and DODGE BALL pulling in over 8.2 millon just on Saturday. I always wanted to post something that had "boffo b.o." in the title ;-)
Quarks to Quasars. Take a journey from the inside of a proton to the farthest reaches of the universe. more inside

June 26, 2004

Humanicide: a 21st century risk profile for humanity which uses the symbolism of the Fisher King. [By and via I-Merge.]
Cornel West: November 2001 (RealAudio). The most important words I heard spoken in the month after September 11. The end not of American innocence -- America has never been innocent. No, what struck me was: This is the end of America's adolescence. more inside
Curious George: Personal Wiki? I really, really like the Wiki editor and would like to adapt it for my web server for personal essays, book reviews, etc. Unlike traditional date-based blogs, Wiki maps out content to static URLs, which helps organize things and is great for Google spidering. I'm so tiring of cobbling up and uploading HTML pages by hand! Can anyone recommend one of these Wiki clones or some other option for 'tiny footprint' personal use?
Guide to Bach.
Cosby: "It was the white man who got the word from somebody who was there, who called the white man, who put it in the white paper, which is called the Washington Post."
A bit of lukewarm newsfilter, but very interesting: Tavis Smiley interviews Bill Cosby about his comments at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Brown vs. Board of Education decision.
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