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June 29, 2004

Stanhopes use a special lens to display microscopic photographs through a small peephole. They used to be inserted into small novelty/souvenir items, and some are saleable antiques. more inside
Not Even Remotely Safe For Work. Ever wondered about the underground enema fetish scene? Neither have I. But if you ever desire videos of pregnant lesbian enema couples, erotic enema fan fiction, or custom machined enema plugs, this is the place. (hey, that carla colon story was kind of hot)
The Wuggly Ump (click on the broken image to see the next panel) The Gashlycrumb Tinies The Disrespectful Summons by Edward Gorey (1925 - 2000) See if you can find a Gorey's creation in The Picture of Everything.
The 365 Days Project is back online. Over the course of 2003, every day, the 365 Days project highlighted a weird, oddball mp3. At the end of the project, they all sadly vanished. But now, they are returned to the Internet again, and all is right with the world. more inside
The Picture of Everything
Chosing sides. Lee Iacocca was touted as a possible successor to Reagan in the 1980's after his success as CEO of Chyrsler turned the company around. He supported Bush in 2000. Now he supports Kerry. "All of my best friends are Republicans" he says.

June 28, 2004

It's Mayan Time. Anyone looking for a Gregorian to Mayan calendar converter? more inside
The Rock That Grows - Mildred Price is a collector of bric-a-brac & weirdness. The weirdest thing she owns has to be the rock that she claims has grown since she found it - and is still growing. more inside
Curious, GeorgeWhat are your favorite books? What books shaped your life? What are you reading now? What do you recommend? If you could bring only ten books to a desert island, which....well, you get the idea. more inside
So, this guy says he turned his G5 into a PC (hoax). Wonder how would the most zealous members of the Apple community would react? This is not trollbait. I'm not arguing that all apple users are elitists, much less zealous. It's just a fun read, and I do like/use Apple computers. Peace!
Mad Cow II. The USDA's mad cow test program turned up another winner Friday. While the USDA assures Americans it is “very likely" the cow will turn out to be negative, industry sources say the BioRad test has a false positive rate of about 0.1%. BTW, only 200,000 (0.2%) of all United States cattle are subject to testing.
wordPhoto Photography is often a battle against motivation. Much like writers block can slow down the best authors, photographers can often get lazy without something specific to shoot. This site presents photographers with a challenge - take a new photograph specifically for the word of the day, and post it for the rest of us to see. The only description and caption you get to include with your image is the word of the day (which the site does for you).
A Sensitive Guy on the Road: Fifty Dates Across the States
Google : A proposal to help fight deceptive Internet software Google attempts to draft some rules for those things they describe as deceptive softwar, but the rest of us call spyware. Is this a case of the kettle calling the pot black? more inside
I, Robot: Classics Butchery Vol. 284. The trailer is out, and I couldn't be more disappointed. Even the website sucks. When will I stop expecting Hollywood to do the right thing?
The handover of power in Iraq is happening sooner than we thought. Instead of the planned June 30 date, it seems that the handover was brought forward for security concerns. Details (and informative links) are scarce right, but it seems that Baghdad has already been handed over, with the rest of the country changing hands right now. We've got history in the making here, folks. What will this mean for Iraq and the US?
The Best Link Ever
I've contributed well over a hundred links here at MoFi; some great, some not so great. I can say without hyperbole that this is definitely the cremedelacreme. more inside
"passionate, clever, scathing, funny, snarky, brutal, sad, glib and at times superficial."
Are you a Coffee Geek? Do you consider coffee geeks to be snobs or connoisseurs? Have a favorite bean? Favorite roast? Winetasters have nothing on coffee cuppers. Want to roast your own green coffee beans? You need nothing more than an old air popper (popcorn) - but make sure you use the right type. Or use another method. More than you ever wanted to know???
Consider a taut string (or wire) fixed at both ends.
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