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July 02, 2004
The One Man Band with no Fans
For extra fun, check Outside the Inbox - music made from spam! Does that mean it's reprocessed?
Flash animation for Aiwa
by Drew Cope, creator of Tokyoplastic
Making Patents and Trademarks FUN!!!
The United States Patent and Trademark Office teaches kids about the cool side of copyright, with such phrases as "Have You Hugged A Patent or Trademark Today?"... WARNING: Contains web design from the mid-nineties.
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US lawmakers request UN observers for November 2 presidential election
...Recalling the long, drawn out process in the southern state, nine lawmakers, including four blacks and one Hispanic, sent a letter Thursday to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan asking that the international body "ensure free and fair elections in America,"...
...The commission also concluded, the lawmakers added, that "despite promised nationwide reforms (of the voting system) ... adequate steps have not been taken to ensure that a similar situation will not arise in 2004 that arose in 2000."...
The UN has been called in to oversee our electoral process in 2004! I love it.
Folks, we Americans can never with a straight face joke about another country’s rigged elections ever again.
Smokin' banana peels.
Yes kids, the hippies knew what was so magical about our favorite food. Donovan wrote about them. Sites abound with instructions on how to do it (15 pounds??). My favorite recipe is here - although it's hard to beat banana ketchup! Happy Friday!
Electrical banana / Is gonna be a sudden craze / Electrical banana / Is bound to be the very next phase, right GramMa?
Marlon Brando: Beyond Destitute
Just featured 3 days ago in someone else's FPP, he died last night, at 80, in an LA hospital. Sad ending for a great actor.
Revolver Films
Small, but good collection of music videos here. Highlights include the bizzare "Float On" by Modest Mouse, the gorgeous video for Hayley Westenra's "Pokarekare Ana", and the strange and Monkey-featuring "Talkshow on Mute" by Incubus. Some real gems can be found by searching through the recent credits for the directors they list.
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Monkeys! How many of the World's Top 100 Wonders have you seen? (SideDish score: 23) Courtesy of Howard Hillman, an interesting chap who's been "impartially researching travel wonders for 30 years."
Critical Beatdown.
A Post-Theoretical Mixtape by Steven Shaviro.
The Etsuko and Joe Price Collection
of Japanese art objects.
It isn't just monkeys, but that seemed like the right page to link to.
Curious George
Lately I've found myself strangely addicted to the "Deleted FPP" page.
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Obsessive Friday Counting Flash Game
It's from WAXY, so you know it has to be good. As addictive and frustrating as tontie ever was. Start with the top button to get the idea and then try the bottom button. You MUST win, mustn't you? more inside
It's from WAXY, so you know it has to be good. As addictive and frustrating as tontie ever was. Start with the top button to get the idea and then try the bottom button. You MUST win, mustn't you? more inside
World's Away (mp3)
. . .
and I'm blown away (and apparently not the only one). Summer at Shatter Creek: Musicplasma doesn't seem to know what to do with him. (I ask your forgiveness for two posts in close succession)
and I'm blown away (and apparently not the only one). Summer at Shatter Creek: Musicplasma doesn't seem to know what to do with him. (I ask your forgiveness for two posts in close succession)
Molvanian Music.
Zladko 'Zlad' Vladcik is the awesome voice of Molvanian electro-pop.
spread by organs taken from an infected donor has killed three transplant recipients, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday. Gads, where are they getting organs these days? Road kill?
This is the post where we openly and civilly discuss the current poo-flinging and cagerattling that's been goin' on in the lavender.
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News story of great embarrassment to Bush disappears?
This was one of the top stories about Fahrenheit 9/11 in Google News yesterday:
Military, 9/11 families call on Bush to see Michael Moore movie
Newsday, NY - 10 hours ago
By DEEPTI HAJELA. NEW YORK -- President Bush and everyone in Washington should screen Michael Moore's controversial anti-Bush film ...
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Military, 9/11 families call on Bush to see Michael Moore movie
Newsday, NY - 10 hours ago
By DEEPTI HAJELA. NEW YORK -- President Bush and everyone in Washington should screen Michael Moore's controversial anti-Bush film ...
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