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July 04, 2004

Stripperella - the game! It's like Donkey Kong with breast implants.. [possibly NSFW]
Dog toy or marital aid? Do you use it with your dog or elsewhere? Is this SFW or NSFW? If they're so difficult to distinguish, would it be wrong to use one in place of the other? Would your dog know? Would your lover? Would it be wrong to sell both from the same shops? If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and is owned by Carmen Miranda like a duck, is it a duck, o< quack? more inside
Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour In Company and Conversation.
Tranquility Base. (15MB Quicktime Movie) Goats, Llamas, Sheep, a dog, and some trance music. Perfect hangover viewing. more inside

July 03, 2004

From the Landscape of Algeria - A beautiful collection of pictures of the cities and the villages of Algeria, and a historic and geographical preview of every Algerian province.
The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 was the 18th Century's equivalent of the Patriot Act, and its most famous victim was Benjamin Franklin's grandson.
Josh Marshall Interviews Joe Biden A must read for people interested in the neoconservative movement and the war on terrorism. more inside
Meqon Physics Demo (links to a .zip file). Playing with this is more fun than most games. more inside
Employees at the Providence Public Library are fuming. Staff at this public library in the US have set up a website to state their side of the case and gather support from the public as they face unemployment or significant changes in working conditions. As a library worker myself, I can only sympathise with them.
Muffler Men ...They're big. They're scary. And there are hundreds of them. Back off ladies, he's taken
Welcome to Fork in th' Road Used Cars!
Whether you're looking for amphibious vehicles or swamp buggys; if you're a midget or a mobster (perhaps you could star in your very own pursuitwatch?); we carry nothing but the highest quality in crazily acronymed rolling superstars. This week's special: hempcars. Like for the environment, ya know? Just don't breathe the exhaust.
Can't get you of my head. No, really.
You whores. A website set up by Bill 'KLF' Drummond, where you can sell your services. (safe for work)
They're requesting UN observers to over see the election--just to insure its fairness. Did I mention the election in question is for the US president--and the "they" are several members of the US House of Representatives?

July 02, 2004

Jad Fair Jad Fair (of Half Japanese fame) has offered the album Sunshine Sunshine for free downloading online.
Music Machines. The very welcoming "home of musical electronica" on the web.
Aligned with the stars: "For millennia, stone structures built to observe and worship the heavens have intrigued those who came after. The great pyramids of Egypt are built so closely aligned to the compass directions, that they baffle modern civil engineers as to how that much mass could be so precisely aligned. Shafts of the great pyramid are pointed to the culmination points of stars such as Sirius and the belt stars of Orion. ... Ancient Greek temples were aligned to the rising and setting of specific stars."
Rock, Paper, Saddam -- this is completely wrong. Completely without tact. I apologize. more inside
How to turn your iPod into a pirate radio... And other crazy fun tricks.
Homeland security recommends IE alternatives. Ripped pretty much whole cloth from /. The department of homeland security has decided (way too late, IMO) that using IE is a security hazard and has started recommending the use of other browsers. Microsoft, in its typical, "don't-do-anything-about-your-misdeeds-until-someone-is-suing-you" fashion has announced they'll be releasing a much more secure version by the end of the summer. I know blog's corporate overlords are forcing him to do it, but how many of you monkeys are still using IE voluntarily?
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