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October 12, 2004

If you were confused by Bush's reference to "Dred Scott" (a 148 yr. old Supreme Court decision)... when he was asked about his criteria for Supreme Court nominees in the last debate, you will be interested to know (as I was) that it is Religious Right code for "Roe v Wade". <Explanation via Slate>
The Dictionary of the History of Ideas is now on line. Apparently this, the only previous edition, was published in 1973-74, although a new edition is in the planning stages. Sadly, the individual pages seem to be broken under FireFox 1.0, although they work under IE. Also, the server is very slow right now. via Crooked Timber
The List I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I have trouble making my case against Bushco to someone without treading thin lines and quoting less-than-credible sources. How would monkeys feel about a thread full of reputable links with strong cases that people can use as a resource? more inside
Thomas Ades is a young composer from the UK who might just be the best composer to come along in a very long time. Although composers such as John Adams, John Corigliano and Harrison Birtwistle et. al at various times have been dubbed standard bearers of contemporary classical music, I ,along with many others, feel that Ades may eclipse them all. His acceptance is not quite complete as some claim &quot;emperor&#039;s new clothes staus&quot; for him, but I beg to differ. more inside

October 11, 2004

Courteous George...I'm wondering about the correct form for linking to another's blog. Does one email first and ask? Or just go ahead and link?
Sims Abuse One very twisted Sims player decided to drive her Sims mad, mad, MAD I tell you! (via BoingBoing)
"I don't see how you can lead this country in a time of war, in a time of uncertainty, if you change your mind because of politics." "..." "Well, okay, on second thought, maybe I can."
People Are Human-Bacteria Hybrids.
The Goodwill Diary Need to procrastinate? Here's your answer.
62 TV Stations in Swing States will air Anti-Kerry Film Sinclair Media (the ones who pre-empted the Nightline tribute to the soldiers who died in Iraq because it was a "political statement") are pre-empting local programming to air "Stolen Honor", the anti-Kerry swift-boatish documentary. Remember when we used to demand fairness from our news sources? more inside
Speaking of high gas prices...how does 70MPG sound? I'd say it sounds pretty damn good...and on top of that, you get a car that everyone will want to hug AND on top of THAT you can chage colors to fit your moods, park anywhere, and be able to go onto hover mode to fly over traffic (ok, not really) but it seems pretty cool! I'm so getting me one.
Curious George-Gas Prices Does it seem to you as it does to me that gas prices aren't as high as they should be? Are they being kept artificially low for political purposes? more inside
The Socks! I found them!
Gallery of misused "quotation marks". Kinda like that "K" for "Kountry" flair, quotes for emphasis has been one of my pet peeves, probably ever since I got a recipe from my sister titled Grandma's "Brownies". Sometimes I wonder how people can be so blinded to their double-entendres. Evan Davies' site is not that new and has been around the block, but the humorous examples still ring true.
Hey, nice package! - The American Package Museum. Packaging, wrapping, containers, the box, the packet. Dig?
Superman is dead Breaking news filter, but it's just been announced that Christopher Reeve has died.
Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb? From the This Can't Possibly Be True But One Can Hope Against Hope, Can't One? department: Pink Floyd to reunite and tour, says British magazine. more inside
Some people see the news spatially. Here's another newsmap based on Google News, while this one graphs the most emailed photos from Yahoo News.
Lyrical, George: Monkey Music Monday Madness! Grime (Warning! 2x large mp3s), a groundswell of tech-savvy, "urban" music producers, centered in East London (where it's called Grime) and South London (Dubstep). Since the release of Dizzee Rascal's Boy In Da Corner Grime blew up worldwide throughout 2003, with its blend of heavy square-wave basslines, hardcore drums, mobile phone ringtones, and manic mc'ing. more inside
AIDS "a plot" more inside
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