November 17, 2004

Spam can make you very, very angry - here is a FLASH animation - the audio is of a guy's voicemail to a company responsible for causing him .. um.. some frustration with spam. I have no idea if it's real, but it is rather funny. NSFW. FLASH

November 16, 2004

It's the Jerry Garcia Autopsy! - The autopsy of a fat old hippy. Perfectly safe for work & the squeamish, because they use a doll. But it's based on the real autopsy, so the text is graphic, just in case that bothers ye. Please enjoy. :)

November 15, 2004

Geek Me Up, Scotty - A working Star Trek Communicator that's a bluetooth hands-free device for your cellphone. There's only one, it's a prototype, & don't tell me that you don't want one, because you do, even though it's utterly geeky. more inside

November 13, 2004

Comedy Butchers - a tiny Sim-City style FLASH town with little comedy sketches you can click open in various places. British humour, which means it is actually funny. NSFW. Requires FLASH, obviously. Made me laugh out loud, which is pretty hard to do, considering I am a miserable bastard. more inside

November 11, 2004

The Fantastic Four teaser trailer - Just what it says. The reason I link to a Google page is that the host site does not have a published link yet, & this is to avoid hotlinking. The link is there, just go do that voodoo that you do do so well. Seen @ Sensible Erection which is NSFW

November 02, 2004

Bananaphone makes you insane - You know that song 'bananaphone'? The one that goes round your head til you .. well .. exactly what happens in this FLASH toon. NSFW - sweary words - violence - bananaphone

November 01, 2004

Leave it to Bush #2 - I've been waiting for this. I cackled my ass off at the first Leave it to Bush, so much so that I now have no ass, & constantly claim to own two ferrets called Jesus & Slasher. This one features Fearless Leader with Bill Cosby. In space. Voices by Bill Cosby & George W. Bush. Cartoon by Ken McIntyre with music by The Go! Team. more inside

October 29, 2004

Superman is Dead. Long live Superman! - Tales of Superman from the 1930's to present-day. Online comics! Some of the classic Superman stories such as Superman! The first story - including one of the many "scientific explanations" for Superman's strength (People from Krypton get super strong upon their reaching maturity.. or is it because of Earth's yellow sun? Or maybe it's Earth's lesser gravity... anyway..), The Origin of Superman - in fact, several origins of Superman! And more! more inside

October 26, 2004

Apologies - I've been informed that I've been rather harsh & bastardish lately. This is just to say: sorry, Monkeys. more inside

October 24, 2004

Translation: Error! - forgive the 'self link' but this is worth a giggle. Screencap 1. Screencap 2. At time of posting, still up.
The Mercury Theatre on the Air - in 1937, John Houseman & young prodigy Orson Welles formed their own theatrical company, The Mercury Theatre, which a year later began adaptions on radio, their most famous being "The War of the Worlds". They performed Dracula, Treasure Island, A Tale of Two Cities, & numerous others. All of the surviving Mercury Theatre shows are on this page in Real Audio (sorry) or MP3 format. more inside

October 23, 2004

Lake monster Ogopogo may have been filmed - Ogopogo is a rather quaint name given to a creature, or group of creatures, said to inhabit British Columbia's gorgeous Lake Okanagan. Since ancient times the native Salish people reported 'the devil in the lake' they called N'ha-a-itk as a frightening serpentine creature of immense size, and they regarded it with dread. Now given a churlishly 'Nessie-like' tourist appeal, the creature is regarded as mythical, of course, despite many sightings every year by credible witnesses. Skeptics might happily dismiss the legend, except a family has come forward with a remarkable video of something, or several somethings, in the lake which definitely seem to be large, living, and anomalous. more inside
Penisland - SFW more inside

October 22, 2004

D'you know what I have? - I got some Gmail invites with me. They are from a place of light. more inside
Calendars through the Ages - Myriads of variant calendars have seen use in human civilization since the beginning of our ability to measure time. This site lists some of those in use today, and major ones used in ancient times.

October 19, 2004

Bush's Church calls him a Criminal - "We, the undersigned, do hold that George W. Bush, a member of Park Hill United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas, and Dick Cheney (local membership unknown) are undeniably guilty of at least four chargeable offenses [which] are: crime, immorality, disobedience to the Order and Discipline of The UMC..." And goatfucking. more inside

October 18, 2004

How a lego brick is made - all explained vividly by tiny weeny little isometric toons with hover-over mini movies to show details of various stages, executed in FLASH, and supplied with a gameboy-like electronic soundtrack. No Danish Elves were harmed in the making of this entry, although many Danish robots were broken and smashed. more inside

October 15, 2004

Hentai Dictionary: - Yes a post about SEX! A directory of Japanese perversions, fetishes & AV slang. "Japanese porn consumers are so utterly perverted that the industry can't invent new kinks fast enough.." claims this site, so the webmaster compiled what may be the first internet dictionary of Japanese Porn Terminology. There are no dirty pictures, but the content is probably NSFW, and the site links to some rather naughty stuff, so thusly you have been warned. more inside

October 12, 2004

Tabula Peutingeriana - a Map of the Roman World - Ever wonder what form maps took in Imperial Roman times? Probably something like this one. more inside

October 11, 2004

Hey, nice package! - The American Package Museum. Packaging, wrapping, containers, the box, the packet. Dig?
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