June 23, 2004

Robots Are Our Friends - It's animated, it's a song, it's got robots, it's FLASH. Gedditindya.

June 21, 2004

Cunt: A Cultural History - Yes it's that rather rude word, I'm sure you recognise it. But it has a rich and vibrant past that no lover of the English language - indeed, no lover at all - can afford to be unfamiliar with. Also, the Wikipedia entry. Or should I say.. er.. listing. Heh heh. more inside

June 16, 2004

James Joyce's Erotic Letters to Nora Barnacle - The title speaks for itself, and, yes, if dirty words are not safe for work, then this is NSFW. In addition, herein we surprisingly have proven Elizabeth Hoffman correct in her assertion that a certain expletive can be used as a term of endearment, and we have proven it with the words of the greatest of modern writers.
Pee-Mail - Yes, it's El Día De La Urina here on Monkeyfilter. Write upon the snow/ you know/ by letting go/ the yellow flow.

June 14, 2004

Taking Life's Final Exit - It is common for people in the last stages of life, the bedridden and the dying - to talk of taking a journey, meeting with people, or being in a preparatory stage of transit. What does this mean, for us, our loved ones, and consciousness? [LA Times link - reg. required - use buttafucco/demanteca as login/pass or check out the Yahoo News version of the story]
Spirits of dead climbers haunt Mount Everest - and funeral rites need to be performed to aid their transit into the 'next world' (or whatever). So says Pemba Dorji Sherpa. And he should know, because he's the climber who got to the summit of the world's highest mountain in the record time of 8 hours 10 minutes. more inside

June 12, 2004

Ray Guns II - These Ones Shoot Corks! - Monkeys love Ray Guns. Here are some (rather expensive) ones that look like they're straight out of Ming the Merciless' armory - and they shoot wine corks 100 feet! more inside
I Feel Fine - by an obscure little Liverpudlian group - You should recall the rather excellent recent Monkey post of Melon's Come Together FLASH video. Here's another one, p'raps not quite as impressive but still worth a boogie, of the Fab Four's early hit "I Feel Fine". FLASH, obviously, seen @ & nicked from Bifurcated Rivets

June 03, 2004

Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11' Trailer - available in Quicktime: small, medium or large - & Windows Media: small, medium or large.

June 02, 2004

Hen + Zambian Man + flagrante delicto = Suicide - A man commits suicide after having sex with hen. more inside

May 31, 2004

It's a Gas! With Ren & Stimpy - FLASH - It's a Ren & Stimpy game! Our pals are settling down for a restful evening. All of a sudden a deep sound comes from Stimpy's butt. Oh no! It's gas! Use your mouse to fix all the bursting patches & keep the gas trapped under the bedcover! WARNING: Contains Ren & Stimpy. Also contains cartoon bed-sharing activities. Also: loud FART sound effects. If at work, please turn the volume WAY UP. more inside

May 28, 2004

Mesopelagic woman with supraorbital ridge becomes compliant in linear accelerator lab - Your Monkey Task for today is to slip that phrase into everyday conversation. From Reality Carnival more inside

May 27, 2004

Ghost photographed in Welsh Castle - It looks as fake as anything, but maybe worth having a gander. Also, does a ghost haunt the Tawas Lighthouse? Probably not. more inside

May 25, 2004

Virtual Sea Monkeys - (FLASH) This contains nothing naughty, no big download, it's fun (debateable: somewhat as much as real Sea Monkeys..) safe for work, and it has 'monkey' in the title. You see? more inside

May 22, 2004

Rassemblement de Weird Animal News - Within this post, Mean Uncle Nostril rudely collates angry lumps of spiteful animal weirdness to offensively violate copyright restrictions & convince you that Mother Nature truly is a bitch, via naughty words and invective. The theme: Animals Attack!! more inside

May 20, 2004

Childless Couple told to Get Fucked A German couple visiting a fertility clinic after eight years of childless marriage discovered why they weren't bearing crotch-fruit - they weren't doing it. Yes, it sounds like an urban legend, & yes it's from Ananova so it probably is, but I couldn't pass up the chance of using that title which I also stole from a commentor on Bifurcated Rivets which is also where I pinched the link. So screw me.. I mean sue me. Your pal, Nostril. more inside

May 13, 2004

Weird Animal News Roundup - No monkeys, but news of a man bitten to death by a sexually aroused horse, the sad but inevitable death of the world's fattest raccoon, the cutest vicious guard cat in the UK that ever prompted the Royal Mail to ask its owners to get a proper letter box, and a turkey who tried to kill an SUV. I sense a pattern emerging. more inside

May 12, 2004

Mexican Airforce plane films UFOs. Did a vehicle come from somewhere, out there? Just to land in the Andes? Was it round and did it have a motor, or was it something different? Video here in mpg format.

May 11, 2004

Nyaaaargh!! Get 'em off me!! Delusional Parasitosis. It's when people think there are tiny parastites infesting or crawling beneath their skin. Well, here's the rub: it might not always be a delusion. Warning for the extra-squeamish: pictures of a nasty rash! more inside

May 09, 2004

Shygirl. Flash. Snarfled from Blort
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