February 02, 2008
Teens Unremorseful After Stealing From Girl Scout
- two Florida teenagers stole money from a little girl selling Girl Scout cookies in front of a crowded supermarket in broad daylight. Strangely, they agree to explain to reporters that they are unrepentant about the crime. "I'm not sorry," one of the teenagers explains, "I'm just pissed that I got caught."
Watch the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVv7Uz8nC2A
(Sorry, you'll have to cut'n'paste this link into your browser. My HTML skillz don't really pay da bills...)
September 10, 2006
"I don't think so..."
Remember the Numa Numa song? Well, there's a sequel that's just been released, featuring Gary Brolsma himself. The verdict, courtesy of CollegeHumor.com: "Big budget sequels lacking the charm of the original aren't just for Hollywood anymore."