June 16, 2008
Cancer research
- something that works.
June 13, 2008
Breakfast breads
baked for bread baking day. Brioches (what is the plural of brioche anyway?), crumpets, cinnamon rolls - yum. Bookmarked.
June 12, 2008
The 7 Deadly Sins.
Interpreted as wine glasses. I love pride.
June 11, 2008
Sudoku in the court - a trial run.
A drug trial has been aborted after three months when the some of the jury admitted to doing Sudoku rather than paying attention. The judge had previously complimented them on their copious notetaking, apparently not noticing that they were writing up and down as well as side to side.
June 10, 2008
June 09, 2008
June 08, 2008
Mall Ninja!
Cos malls are DANGEROUS people. You don't know it but shit goes DOWN in malls like you wouldn't believe. Well, I feel like scrubbing my eyeballs safer. via.
June 07, 2008
The Great South West Walk -
a 250 km loop in the south east (work with me here) coast of Australia, it follows the coast between Portland and Nelson before swinging inland and back to Portland. It's....a little obscure.
June 06, 2008
June 03, 2008
Michael Johnson talks about his decision -
to hand back his 4x400m gold medal from the 2000 Sydney Olympics. A team mate on the relay team has recently admitted to taking performance enhancing drugs during that time.
May 31, 2008
May 25, 2008
Carefully calibrated coitus.
"The finest theologians soon began devoting a great deal of thought to which coital positions were more pleasurable — and thus more evil — and special handbooks were distributed to Church confessors." As an exercise in projection - the mind boggles.
May 23, 2008
May 22, 2008
Like it says on the label - photos of TV
Unexpectedly amusing.
May 18, 2008
Sente is a novel use for mobile phones; the informal practice of sending money via mobile phone minutes has evolved to allow money (albeit, small amounts) to be transferred from one place to another. Apparently first noted in Uganda, it is mentioned in passing here, as an intriguing example of how powerful networked communications can be, when suitably portable and accessible.
May 16, 2008
May 11, 2008
Chicken sexing!
see also some of the comments here. You guys *eyeroll*
May 06, 2008
Two Lawyers - the Yale Commencement Speech (pdf)
- via
"This was my last chance to teach you some law, Yale style. These were my final two slides: one bad lawyer, one good. What made the bad one bad wasn’t that he knew “less law.” It was that he, unlike the good lawyer, refused to take moral responsibility when he found himself in a position where his individual actions as a lawyer were likely to have a decisive role in shaping our profession’s situation sense, and thus in shaping the law itself."
more inside
April 08, 2008
See, there's a line that needs to be drawn.
And I'd say it needs to be drawn, oooh, over THERE. Not here. Eight year olds do not need bikini waxes. Just....no. (Link (should be) SFW).