July 15, 2004

GOP Babe-of-the-week winners Potentially NSFW; Check out the Fox News Babes and the current GOP Babe of the Week, Rachel Hunter (again, potentially NSFW).

July 14, 2004

"It's About Oil" The popular single by Missoula, Montana folk singer Amy Martin. Enjoy.

June 05, 2004

Thank god for online porn Texas pastor gets elected mayor for sending I-know-where-you've-been postcards to porn shop custormes.

April 30, 2004

CAFTA - The Trojan Calf The year is 2030 AD, somewhere in Central America: Luis: "Grandma, tell me a story." Grandma: "Which one?" Luis: "Tell the one about the trojan calf." Grandma: "Ah, si, CAFTA, the Trojan Calf. This story is muy importante Luis. This is the story of how things came to be as they now are." Requires Flash.

March 12, 2004

Pretend you're in prison and make your own license plate graphics. If you follow the links on that page you can also find a website that allows you to make your own church signs, and your own heart candies. Try it now!