August 05, 2005
Curious George: Skin Care
Looking for extremely low hassle facial skin care (for men)
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April 28, 2005
Curious, George: Wedding MCing in a Nutshell. Help!
I have had short notice of wedding MC duties falling my way and I am eager not to make the night memorable for the wrong reasons.
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April 25, 2005
Curious George: Martial Arts Monkeys
I'm thinking about adding a martial art to my weekly regime. The reason? "So I won't have to fight."
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March 28, 2005
Curious George: Speedos, Meat-hangers, DTs
How does a male monkey choose swimwear? [and just like DTs, there's more inside]
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December 30, 2004
Curious George: New Years Eve.
A four-part question: (1) What are you doing this year? (2) What was your best NYE? (3) Worst? (4) Who are you planning on tongue-pashing inappropriately this year?
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December 17, 2004
Curious George: Skin rubbed raw
Help me heal!
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December 10, 2004
Curious George: Learning to Swim
I'm wanting to learn how to swim. Any advice/stories?
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November 12, 2004
Curious, George: Restart my heart
Is there any merit in the tv/movie technique of restarting the heart by whacking the chest really hard a couple of times?
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