June 06, 2013
January 07, 2007
Best use of bananas in a music video.
(Caution:YouTube) Ajdar appears to be a William Hung-style star in Turkey. Chiquita galore!
August 27, 2006
Belgian Farting Pig.
Need I say more?
(google video)
September 13, 2005
June 16, 2005
Curious Geordie: carrying code to Newcastle.
Would there be good job opportunities for a computer geek in the Newcastle upon Tyne area?
more inside
May 03, 2005
Nobody reads books or go to libraries,
now that the glorious Turkmenbashi has given us the only book worth reading.
April 17, 2005
How much mediocre music can you stand to listen to?
Researchers at Columbia University's Music Lab are doing a study to find out.
more inside
December 29, 2004
November 13, 2004
Other people's stories.
Stories that may or may not have improved in the retelling.
more inside
September 19, 2004
Arrrr, matey!
Just a reminder that today is a special day.
May 13, 2004
MonkeyView photo server.
Just a bunch of other people's photos. Even more fun than random google images, if you're into that sort of thing.
MonkeyView photo server.
Just a bunch of other people's photos. Even more fun than random google images, if you're into that sort of thing.
May 09, 2004
Could I see some ID?
Sure, I shamelessly stole the link from That Other Site, but this is almost as addictive as Hot or Not.
Could I see some ID?
Sure, I shamelessly stole the link from That Other Site, but this is almost as addictive as Hot or Not.
March 08, 2004
Spalding Gray found dead.
Monologist Spalding Gray disappeared two months ago, and now everyone's worst fears have been confirmed.