July 19, 2012

Animal Planet: Where the wild things are...and where they're not. [Via] more inside

July 15, 2012

Heavy Breeding. "In 1920, the brothers Lutz and Heinz Heck, directors of the Berlin and Munich zoos, respectively, began a two-decade breeding experiment. Working with domestic cattle sought out for their 'primitive' characteristics, they attempted to recreate 'in appearance and behavior' the living likeness of the animals’ extinct wild ancestor: the aurochs. 'Once found everywhere in Germany,' according to Lutz Heck, by the end of the Middle Ages the aurochs had largely succumbed to climate change, overhunting, and competition from domestic breeds."

July 13, 2012

From Bench to Bunker: How a 1960s discovery in neuroscience spawned a military project. [Via]
Meet Skippy, the Stone-Skipping Robot. [Via]

June 25, 2012

Pensive mechanical Bodhisattva by Wang Zi Won. [Via]

June 24, 2012

The Windcatchers of Persia. [Via]

May 05, 2012

François Arago: the most interesting physicist in the world! [Via]

April 24, 2012

Jud Turner - Sculpture Gallery.

April 15, 2012

Portraits of astronauts from across the animal kingdom by rubbishmonkey.

February 22, 2012


January 30, 2012

Upside Down, Left To Right: A Letterpress Film. "A short film about letterpress and one of the few remaining movable-type printing workshops in the UK, situated at Plymouth University, featuring Paul Collier." [Via]

January 25, 2012

The girl with 7 horses. [Via]

December 22, 2011

Terry Gilliam - The Christmas Card.

December 07, 2011

Evolution: People And the Fish They Look Like. [Via]

December 05, 2011

Consurgo. "A girl loses the ball she's playing with and it ends up on the street. Her father tries to get it back for her, but then something brutal happens. The girl, full of tears, doesn't know what to think when a monstrous creature appears and seems to be after her and her father." [Via]

November 30, 2011

Mr. Mead: Fine Art/Illustration. [Via]

October 09, 2011

To See in the Dark. Hybrid creatures and other X-Ray art by Benedetta Bonichi.

September 20, 2011

50 Unexplainable Black & White Photos. [Possibly nsfw, via]

August 30, 2011

Climate Relicts: Seeking Clues On How Some Species Survive. "In pockets ranging from mountain peaks to bogs, scientists are discovering plants and animals that survived previous eras of climate change. Now, conservation biologists say, these climate 'relicts' could shed light on how some species may hang on in the coming centuries."

August 21, 2011

Orphans No More. "After the trauma of attack and loss comes healing—and a richer understanding of the emotions and intelligence of elephants."
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