December 02, 2004

Internet charges may apply MSN Spaces are up, and if you're willing to sign up for a .NET Passport you can get one too. These brave new blogs don't offer the customizability you can find elsewhere (and you'll have the MSN logo at the top of your screen) but there are some nice integrated features for moblogging and instant message blogging.

April 16, 2004

The only immortality you and I may share It turns out Vladimir Nabokov may have stolen elements of his most famous novel from a 1916 short story in called "Lolita". To make matters worse, the pseudonymous author of the story, Heinz von Lichberg, later became a Nazi journalist. The Nabokov family has rejected claims of plagiarism, but the literary world is abuzz with debate over the muddled distinctions beteen reference, intertextuality, borrowing, and theft.

March 30, 2004

"It is a vanity thing, I am ashamed to say..." Apparently there's more to the story of why Bob Edwards is getting the boot at NPR, and it's not going over well with listeners. Strategies to save him include signing a petition and withholding donations from you local station (some of the pressure to get rid of Edwards came from local stations in the first place). more inside