October 30, 2007

Waitless - time saving tidbits Some cute and interesting ways to save time. A few are scientifically interesting (quick sorbet) others just fun to try, (parking). Thank you BBSpot.

September 21, 2007

Top Ten Laughably Bad Tech Ads Unfortunately, I am old enough to remember some of these when they were 'cool'.

January 15, 2007

How NSA Access was built into Windows A MS Windows computer's security and encryption software is controlled by a program that has two keys. One is Microsoft's and another for the US National Security Agency. Anyone previously heard of this?

September 08, 2006

Foreign Aid Usless Forget foreign aid, a report released Thursday by the Fraser Institute says, what poor countries really need is open markets, economic freedom and a point in the right direction. ...the Vancouver-based right-wing think tank says foreign aid perpetuates a spiral of poverty, with poor nations left to rely on more hand-outs. more inside

September 07, 2006

Toronto's Free Wi-Fi Toronto Hydro rolled out the city's free Wi-Fi - or wireless Internet access - Wednesday morning. The service will be free for six months - and will allow people wireless access to the World Wide Web throughout the downtown rather than solely at pre-existing Wi-Fi hotspots, generally cafes and restaurants.

August 31, 2006

Hot Dog Infused Vodka "Over the years, I've tried various sorts of infusions, with vodka and other liquors. Fruit and herb-infused are the best known, and are often wonderful. But what I like is meat. Where's the infusion for people like me? I felt disenfranchised, and alone, especially after some research on the interwebs revealed a real lack of meat-based liqueurs. It would be up to me to blaze the trail." more inside

June 26, 2006

Boys are more likely to grow up gay if they have older brothers - because of biology, rather than upbringing. more inside

January 27, 2006

Curious George - Self Evident Sayings - Sayings you've heard that make you you wonder why they had to be said. more inside

December 08, 2005

Liberal Election Promise - Ban Hand Guns Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin is expected later today to announce a Liberal election promise to ban hand guns in Canada. Next on the list - making heroin and drunk driving illegal in Canada - think of the problems that would disappear if that happened!

October 27, 2005

Gun Makers in Canadian Gov't Crosshairs How foolish is this? I understand this because America is the land of the frivolous law suit. What's next, filing suit against GM 'cause you were in a car accident? Against Heinkel if you are robbed at knife-point? I hang my head in despair.

September 13, 2005

Pentagon Revises Nuclear strike Plan The Big One is coming closer to reality. We may all soon require Monkey litterboxes a la MoneyJane's post below. more inside

August 28, 2005

Curious George : AMD or Intel I've done the research, but now look to MoFi for assistance. more inside

June 15, 2005

Curious George: tracking wires through walls. How can I track a coaxial cable or telephone wires that do not complete a circuit? more inside

May 17, 2005

Curious George: Silly questions Where to turn to? more inside